
Progress on our Arts, Culture and Libraries Strategy

22 December 2022

After undertaking an extensive engagement process with the Arts and Gallery Advisory Committee and wider community, we developed our draft Arts, Culture and Libraries Strategy 2023 – 2027.

The second phase of engagement sought feedback on the draft Strategy and was open for community consultation from the 18 August - 4 September 2022, with 555 views of the page and 25 contributors. The majority of contributors supported the five strategic priorities with the most important priority being Safe, inclusive and activated places: The spaces we create are accessible and inviting to all community members. Most responses sat within the strongly agree/agree side that the information in the strategy clearly outlined the future directions for arts, culture and libraries, and was easy to understand. The feedback on the overall strategy was mixed with 48% liking it and being ok with it while 44% had some reservations. The Action Plans will address some of the concerns expressed in the feedback as people requested more specificities and timelines.

Following community feedback and internal consultation we adopted a more concise approach to our planning process. The initial five strategic priorities were condensed into three goals:

  • Goal 1: Our community is connected through a sense of belonging in safe, accessible, and inviting cultural spaces for all.
  • Goal 2: Our community members’ lives are enriched in an environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged and celebrated.
  • Goal 3: Our community are curious lifelong learners, who access trusted and relevant information, programs, technologies and opportunities.

The Arts and Gallery Advisory Committee met on the 14 December 2022 and recommended the draft Strategy for endorsement by Council at the 21 February 2023 Council meeting.