Road Management Plan 2025
Keeping local roads, kerbs, roadside footpaths and bridges safe and in good condition.
Keeping local roads, kerbs, roadside footpaths and bridges safe and in good condition.
We’re looking at creating a pocket park at the former Scout Hall site at 6a Willis Street.
We’re reviewing the 2012 – 2032 Coastal and Marine Management Plan to guide the appropriate and effective management of Bayside’s marine and coastal areas.
Help shape the future of community infrastructure
Over the next 10 years 61 playgrounds will be upgraded in line with the Playground Improvement Plan.
We're advocating on behalf of the Bayside community to minimise impacts and maximise long-term benefit from this city-shaping state-led transport infrastructure project.
We're proposing to build a public warm water pool for exercise, treatment, swim lessons, which could be complemented by a private wellness centre.
Bayside City Council is applying for a series of sports grants through Sport and Recreation Victoria. This funding will be used to improve local recreation facilities.
Creating a conservation reserve to protect endangered grassy woodland plains, and regenerate indigenous species and natural habitats.
Supporting the uptake of EVs with more charging stations in Bayside
We’re seeking suggestions about new locations for mobile businesses in Bayside and the types of vendors you’d like to see operating at these sites.
We are advocating for our community on the Victorian Government Activity Centre Program which seeks to review existing planning policy in the Moorabbin Activity Centre
What do you think Council should prioritise over the next four years?
How would you use a multi-purpose community space in Brighton East?
We’re reviewing our Domestic Animal Management Plan to ensure it's balanced and promotes the safety and welfare of our pets, people and environment.
We’re defining preferred future character objectives to better protect and respect character in areas that will experience moderate growth.
Be one of 40 community members who'll make recommendations about Council's strategic plans for the next four years.
Our Public Toilet Strategy outlines how we’re meeting community needs for safe, accessible and well maintained public toilets.
We’re identifying and documenting residential places considered to be of mid-century modern heritage significance with the aim of ensuring their future protection.
Transforming the former golf course into an environmentally focused nature reserve through the development of a Master Plan
We’re reviewing our Domestic Animal Management Plan to ensure it's balanced and promotes the safety and welfare of our pets, people and environment.
Planning for a new community space.
Designs for the new pavilion and surrounding area have been refined based on community feedback.
We’re consulting with the community about proposed amendments to the Election Period Policy for the 2024 Council elections.
A plan to guide operations, support a sustainable and thriving precinct, protect heritage and the environment, and ease challenges from the area’s popularity.
Our new five-year Economic Development, Tourism & Placemaking Strategy aims to support sustainable growth and development of the local economy.
We’re seeking feedback to understand community thoughts and ideas for the Beaumaris Concourse gateway sign and permanent structure design concepts.
A safer bike route connecting Sandringham Train Station and Sandringham Family Leisure Centre.
The Council Plan 2021 - 2025 sets our priorities for the next four years. The annual Action Plan details how these community goals and aspirations will be delivered.
Council is planning for a new home for netball.
We’re proposing to install no stopping signage on Balcombe Road between Reserve and Charman Roads during peak school commuting hours.
We’re developing a Fair Access Policy and associated Action Plan to support women and girls in sport
New public open space in Brighton for passive recreation and relaxation.
Our strategy to help very low to moderate-income households continue to live and thrive in Bayside.
A joint approach with community to reduce the impact of graffiti and provide safe, clean and welcoming public spaces.
How we’re investing in Bayside to deliver our community’s priorities now and into the future
Billilla will soon reopen open its historic doors to benefit the Bayside community. Help us bring new life to this landmark property with ideas for its future use
We’re turning sportsground lights on one evening a week at three popular dog off-leash sportsgrounds.
Expanding our Library services to promote sustainability, reduce waste, and encourage resource-sharing within the community.
We are removing and preventing graffiti with the installation of street art murals across to Bayside, thanks to funding from the Victorian Government
Local precinct plans to retain, protect and increase vegetation, ecosystems, and biodiversity
A local precinct plan to retain, protect and increase vegetation, ecosystems, and biodiversity.
Management and operation of the golf course, and proposed Warm Water Pool and Wellness Centre.
Putting powerlines underground can lead to more streets lined with dense tree canopies and help to prevent electricity outages during wild weather.
Council is looking for feedback on a proposal for renewing Wilson Recreation Reserve.
A masterplan to protect and enhance Half Moon Bay and Red Bluff
New facilities for the Beaumaris Soccer Club, Beaumaris Cricket Club and the Beaumaris Art Group
A secure and more enriching exercise and training area for dogs and their walkers.
We’re improving how we protect large healthy trees on private property and how we support vulnerable residents to manage issues with large trees.
We’re designing an Urban Forest Strategy to protect, manage and increase the tree canopy across Bayside.
Reviewing our Road Management Plan to improve the way we maintain and repair our local roads, kerbs, footpaths and bridges.
Our new policy for growing community gardens and fostering community connections.
A proposal to reinvigorate and operate the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre through a 20-year lease and $4.6 million+ investment.
We’re looking to modernise and improve the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre. Tell us how you use the Centre and what you want to see added to the service.
How we’re investing in Bayside to deliver our community’s priorities now and into the future.
Help shape our strategy for effective, sustainable, and inclusive parking services and infrastructure.
We're exploring pedestrianising a section of Melrose Street for public open space, and we’re introducing technology to make finding available parking spaces easier.
The Council Plan 2021 - 2025 sets our priorities for the next four years. The annual Action Plan details how these community goals and aspirations will be delivered.
Our committee of people with lived experience of disability advises Council on how we can improve access and inclusion and make Bayside better for everyone.
We’re proposing to sell a small piece of land behind 34 and 2/36 Raynes Park Road, adjoining Hampton Bowls Club.
Help shape the future planning for libraries, arts and culture
How we’re investing in Bayside to deliver our community’s priorities now and into the future.
A proposed 21-year lease to Black Rock Life Saving Club for use of the life saving facility at Black Rock Beach.
How we make decisions about the leasing and licencing of Council owned or managed buildings and land.
A review of the law that protects Bayside’s public amenity, health and safety
The Reconciliation Action Plan focuses on actions which protect and promote Indigenous cultural heritage and the wellbeing of Indigenous people in Bayside.
How we decide whether unused roads, right of ways and reserves should be retained and managed by Council or discontinued and/or sold.
A proposed 15-year lease for the operation of a café within the new Pavilion.
A proposed 21-year lease to Brighton Life Saving Club for use of the Dendy Beach Life Saving Pavilion.
A Tennis Australia proposal to improve and manage the tennis facilities in Dendy Park through a 21-year lease and $2.5 million+ investment.
A special charge scheme enables Council to recover the cost of infrastructure works from property owners who will gain a special benefit from the works.
Reviewing our Governance Rules is an opportunity to improve how Council meetings are conducted and decisions are made.
A fresh face for the Bayside City Council website.
Have a baby in nappies and want to be more sustainable? Help us develop a best-practice reusable nappy program.
We want to know if you support a community garden and more indigenous planting at the proposed site, and what you think about the proposed designs.
The Highett Structure Plan sets out the long-term strategic vision and action plan for the area.
The proposed redevelopment will provide access for all ages and abilities, gender neutral changerooms, two accessible parking spaces, and a dedicated first aid room.
Tell us how your business reduces its energy, water or waste costs, or share your goals to be more environmentally friendly in 2017!
We want to create and support a vibrant and engaged volunteer community for all ages and abilities. What would encourage you to be and stay involved?
Responding to car parking challenges in Brighton
We're swapping the frequency of bin collections for food and green waste and general waste from July 2022. Help us understand how to support you when we make the switch.
A lease for the new basketball stadium in Tulip Street, Cheltenham
A strategic approach to the development and management of our property assets into the future
Be part of the conversations that influence decisions and make Bayside a better place to live, work and play. Have your say on community engagement.
The Council Plan 2021 - 2025 sets our priorities for the next four years. The annual Action Plan details how these community goals and aspirations will be delivered.
Calling for feedback on where we should put more bike parking.
What do you want to read about? Have your say on how we can improve the news magazine that Council sends to Bayside homes and businesses.
A new residential precinct with open space and community facilities is proposed for the former CSIRO site at 37 Graham Road and 32 Middleton Street in Highett.
We have developed a draft policy to ensure there is a consistent, transparent, simple and equitable process for the application of parklet permits
Council is seeking feedback on Council’s intention to renew the lease on a small piece of land in Balcombe Park, Beaumaris
We're revising our Sustainable Building and Infrastructure Policy to drive improved sustainability outcomes in Council buildings and assets.
Public artwork to be installed on the south east side of Peterson Street Reserve.
What are your thoughts on spacelets in Bayside and the Beaumaris marquee?
As part of the Black Rock Foreshore Masterplan, a new public toilet facility is needed.
Explore Bayside’s first draft Asset Plan and tell us about your priorities for Council’s approach to managing public assets to maximise their value to the community.
Planning for the future children's centre and improvements to FG Tricks Reserve playground in Black Rock.
How we’re investing in Bayside and delivering our community’s priorities now and into the future.
Take part in the survey from Public Libraries Victoria and help to shape the future of Bayside library services and programs.
Footpath trading supports our community to connect, shop and dine outside. Have your say on proposed changes to our Footpath Trading Policy.
We are upgrading the playground at Tricks Reserve Black Rock
Have your say on Council’s Procurement Policy
Council is upgrading the Black Rock Village streetscape
Council is undertaking a number of projects to improve the safety of the Bay Trail for cyclists and pedestrians.
Love where you live.
Bayside's Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021 - 2025
We want to hear what you think of the plans for Sandringham Village
Bayside City Council is upgrading the look and feel of Brighton East Village.
Have your say on how you wish to hear about Council services, decisions and local issues that affect you
We want making a complaint to be a better experience from first contact to a timely and fair resolution.
We’re seeking feedback on our proposal to sell a small piece of land in Brighton that is currently used as a driveway by an adjacent business
Improving the playground for the next generation
Planning Council’s priorities for the next four years
A Masterplan for Black Rock Foreshore
Building a new home for community sport
Council prepares a Road Management Plan for making sure our local roads, kerbs, footpaths, and bridges are safe and in good condition.
Reviewing our Governance Rules is an opportunity to improve how Council meetings are conducted and decisions are made.
We will be commissioning a public artwork that will enhance and contribute to the evolving sense of place and identity of Elsternwick Park South.
Establishing Governance Rules is an opportunity to review how council meetings are conducted and how decisions are made.
Council has reviewed the Bayside Housing Strategy to ensure the type and location of housing meets the needs of the Bayside community.
Consultation has concluded.
Bayside City Council is committed to maintaining natural biodiversity assets and increasing conservation effort within its unique natural areas.
Your feedback will be used to inform the development of Bayside's Domestic Animal Management Plan.
On 27 April 2017, Council endorsed the Sandringham Beach and Gardens Masterplan.
A masterplan to protect and enhance the Brighton Beach and Hampton foreshore.
Construction projects for 2017
Council is developing a Carbon Neutrality Action Plan.
We will be asking for more feedback later in the year when the playground options have been drafted.
Planning actions Council will take to respond to the Climate Emergency and how we will support our local community to take action to reduce our impact on the environment.
Refurbishment of the Teahouse interior and extension of opening hours and liquor licence to allow for a dinner service.
The reactivation of Ovals 3 & 4 at Elsternwick Park is being considered, subject to consultation, for winter sports use to meet the growing demand for sporting ovals.
Want to make a difference to Bayside?
Council has developed a structure plan for Pennydale.
Enhancing the foreshore in Brighton through the North Road Masterplan
The proposed introduction of a smoking ban on the sands of all Bayside's beaches, including Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary and the Brighton Dunes.
Proposed Council Plan 2017-2021 (2020 review); proposed Annual Budget 2020/21; proposed Strategic Resource Plan 2020/21 to 2023/24.
Construction works at Beaumaris Concourse
A plan to improve on and off road bicycle infrastructure and to encourage people to cycle more
A plan of road safety activities to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our road and path network.
Council policy about improving footpaths across the municipality
A plan to best manage our water, improve the health of our waterways and to safeguard the environment for current and future generations.
Celebrate the integral role public libraries play in building communities. Share your story of how libraries have enriched your life, in a little way or in a big way.
Council has developed an Integrated Transport Strategy.
Consultation has now closed we will advise when this policy is being taken to Council.
Community feedback for the development of the Hampton Willis Street Precinct Urban Design Framework identified the need to reconfigure Koolkuna Lane.
This consultation has concluded.
Managing demand for on street parking close to shopping centres, commercial centres, schools and train stations
Extending paid parking for visitors along Beach Road.
Council is seeking to encourage more walking as an alternative to short private vehicle trips in Bayside.
Your feedback will help to shape Council's Integrated Transport Strategy and plan for a more sustainable transport future.
Bayside City Council is known for its picturesque setting, parks and tree lined streets.
A plan to upgrade William Street Reserve
Proposed Council Plan 2017-21 (2019 Review) / Strategic Resource Plan 2019-20 to 2022-23 and Proposed Annual Budget 2019-20
Our small shopping strips provide daily conveniences, local employment and services.
Bayside Tourism Strategy
Council is reviewing the criteria for the Local Art Prize.
We have developed a framework that will set the direction and provide guidance for environmental planning and decision-making.
The Beaumaris Bay Consortium have submitted an application to obtain a National Heritage List Nomination for Beaumaris Bay from the National Heritage Department.
The Draft Landscape Guidelines provides advice to residents and developers looking to remove or replace vegetation.
Roads are vital to the mobility of the community allowing for the safe, efficient and sustainable movement of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Asset management plan for Council buildings
Your feedback helped to shape the updated Sustainable Infrastructure Policy (2017) that was presented and adopted by Council at the September Ordinary Meeting of Council.
The Victorian Electoral Commission is reviewing the structure of wards and number of councillors in Bayside to ensure fair and equitable representation for all voters.
Council has developed a new strategy to reduce the volume of household waste sent to landfill.
An Early Years Infrastructure Plan that is based on current and future community need
We spoke to over 1200 people about how to make Bayside a better place - by the year 2025
Course improvements for Sandringham
Community forum in the lead up to the 2019 Federal Election
Consultation has concluded
Council has revised its Lease and Licence Policy 2008.
Bayside City Council is developing a Master Plan for Sandringham Foreshore.
A Marine Education Science and Community Centre at Ricketts Point
The future of commercial and retail development in Bayside
Would you like to see a cafe in the old Brighton Courthouse?
Thanks to everyone who gave us their ideas about how we can make the site safer.
Contact us
Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue
PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191
For general enquiries to Bayside Council
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