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Council decided to abandon the draft Undergrounding Powerlines Policy at its November 2022 meeting and will continue to support the undergrounding of powerlines through our major infrastructure or open space upgrades, and also help interested groups of residents arrange for their powerlines to be put underground (at their own cost) if there is sufficient interest in a street. Read more about the Council resolution.

Project updates

Project overview

Putting powerlines underground can lead to more streets lined with dense tree canopies and help to prevent electricity outages during wild weather. However, the costs can be very expensive!

We drafted an Undergrounding Powerlines Policy to provide a framework for how Council could prioritise and support the undergrounding of powerlines in Bayside.

Opportunities included Council considering undergrounding powerlines through our major infrastructure or open space upgrades, and helping interested groups of residents pay for undergrounding works over time via a special charge on their rates notice.

Community feedback on the draft policy was received betwen 1 August - 4 September 2022.

Council resolved in November 2022 to abandon the draft Policy. Find out more.

Draft Undergrounding Powerlines Policy

  • Benefits ✔️

    The benefits of undergrounding powerlines include:

    • aesthetically pleasing and improved street appearance, which can increase property values
    • increased tree coverage
    • improved security and reliability of the power supply
    • reduced risk of trees falling on overhead wires during bad weather events
    • reduction in costs to maintain tree clearances from powerlines
    • removing potential traffic hazards
    • reduction in number of power poles.
  • Challenges ❌

    The biggest barrier to put powerlines underground is the cost.

    • Costs for undergrounding powerlines on a small residential street would likely be more than $17,500 – $22,500 per property
    • Powerlines are not Council-owned or managed assets and therefore works would require coordination and agreement with the applicable energy asset owner
    • Significant but short-term disruption from undergrounding construction works
    • Underground powerlines add complexity to future maintenance of these and nearby assets.

How can Council support undergrounding powerlines?

The draft Policy provides four funding methods to support any future undergrounding of powerlines:

  • Full cost paid by Council

    through Capital Works funded projects, where applicable.

    Projects to consider scope of undergrounding of powerlines for civil infrastructure replacement and renewal projects, such as significant street upgrades, major car park renewal and major public open space upgrades.

  • Government grants

    Currently, there is no undergrounding powerlines funding scheme available in Victoria.

    The policy will prioritise Council seeking funding should it become available in the future.

  • Full cost to be covered by community

    If a group of residents approach Council seeking to underground the powerlines on their street (with collective agreement to pay all costs) we can facilitate the interaction between the service provider and the residents.

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Special Rate and Special Charge Scheme

A Special Rate and Special Charge Scheme is one of the possible funding methods for undergrounding powerlines.

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(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

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