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Public Toilet Strategy adopted

The finalised Public Toilet Strategy 2024-2028 was endorsed by Council on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

We’ve sought community feedback on our draft Public Toilet Strategy, which outlines our four-year plan for new, upgraded and replacement public toilets, and the criteria for where we’ll build more Changing Places.

The standard modern Bayside public toilet includes ambulant and accessible unisex cubicles.

Changing Places provide additional facilities, such as a hoist, shower and adult change table, for people and their carers who can’t use a standard accessible public toilet.

Consultation closed on 2 April 2024. Select the +Subscribe button above to recieve project updates.

  • Accessible

    means that facilities can be used by anyone regardless of ability.

  • Inclusive

    means facilities that do not discriminate based upon background, experience, or identity.

  • Safe

    means appropriately designed and constructed facilities which are well-maintained and regularly cleaned.

We recently audited all Bayside public toilets to assess their condition, capacity, and functionality – including reviewing historical inspection, maintenance and cleaning data to determine which toilets were most susceptible to breakdown or overuse. Our assessment paid particular attention to how well each toilet complied with accessibility standards and requirements.

Based on this analysis, we identified the toilets that offer an appropriate level of access and those that require improvement under a new four-year Public Toilet Strategy.

Read a complete list of Bayside’s public toilets in Appendix A of the draft Strategy, including those planned for renewal/upgrade.

A key part of the new Public Toilet Strategy is the development of criteria to prioritise the location of new facilities.

Changing place facility at Thomas Street Reseve

Changing Places are not the same as standard accessible public toilets.

If a person cannot stand up or independently move from a wheelchair to a toilet pan, Bayside’s standard accessible toilets are not an option. For these people, that means limits on the time they can spend away from home – such as cutting short visits to shopping areas, parks, playgrounds and more.

Changing Places facilities typically include an adult-sized change table, tracking ceiling hoist, privacy screen, peninsular-shaped toilet, shower, and a wide access door. They are designed with extra features and more space than a standard accessible toilet to meet the additional needs of people with more complex disabilities and their carers.

Changing Places facilities are not open to the general public and require a Master Locksmiths Access Key

Bayside currently has two Changing Places at Thomas Street Reserve in Hampton and the Well Street carpark within the Church Street, Brighton shopping precinct. Another is under construction at Beaumaris Arts Group Studio.

Changing Places will be in the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Gateway Building, Brighton and Dendy Park Athletics Pavilion, Brighton. And we’re exploring opportunities along the Foreshore, including Half Moon Bay or Ricketts Point.

An Accessible Adult Change facility is similar to a Changing Place but is within a public building, so are only available to users when that facility is open.

Bayside has accessible adult change facilities in the Brighton Recreation Centre and Highett Neighbourhood Community House; and more planned for the warm water pool at Brighton Golf Course.

Almost all new or upgraded public toilets in Bayside include at least one compliant accessible cubicle and one ambulant cubicle, with additional cubicles at high demand sites. At a minimum, every site should also have a sharps bins and hand basin. Baby change tables, drinking fountains, and waste bins are more common within our newer facilities, and a small number of locations along bicycle routes include a bicycle repair station.

The Public Toilet Strategy and this consultation does not include the maintenance and cleaning of individual toilets. If you would like to report an immediate issue, please report the problem online or contact Council's Customer Service on 9599 4444.

Bayside’s public toilets are on varying cleaning schedules, with the least-attended facilities cleaned three times a week. Toilets in popular or high-profile areas are cleaned every day, and sometimes twice a day in activity centres or during summer months.

Facilities are generally cleaned at the end of the day (so they can dry overnight) with bins emptied and paper replaced. The toilets that can be locked are done so after cleaning (sunset) and opened at sunrise. The remaining public toilets are open 24/7.

As part of this consultation, we’re seeking feedback on the following two actions to improve the condition of our local public toilets.

  • Adopt and implement non-invasive data counters to improve proactive cleaning schedule.
  • Investigate the development of an improved toilet identification sign, which includes both a phone number and a QR code to report faults, vandalism or mess.
  • Brighton Beach, Southern Terrace

    Replace existing toilets with a new facility in the same location, including 6-8 cubicles (standard, ambulant and accessible), as well as an outdoor shower and drinking fountain.

  • Balcombe Road carpark

    Replace existing toilets with a new facility in the same location, including a mix of ambulant and accessible cubicles.

  • Beaumaris Concourse

    Replace existing bluestone toilet block with a new facility in the same location, including a mix of standard, ambulant, and accessible cubicles.

  • Ricketts Point, Beaumaris

    Replace existing bluestone toilet block with a new facility in the same location, including a mix of standard, ambulant, and accessible cubicles.

  • Half Moon Bay, Black Rock

    Upgrade existing public toilet (under Life Saving Club) to double capacity and improve accessibility. The opportunity for a Changing Place here or at is also proposed between the boat sheds and/or at Ricketts Point is also being explored.

Have your say logo on blue aerial image of Bayside coastline
  • Complete a survey

    Share your thoughts on how we can we make Bayside’s public toilets more accessible, inclusive and safe. Survey entries can go into the draw for a year's supply of toilet paper.

  • Pin a public toilet

    Tell us which existing public toilets need an upgrade or where a new toilet or Changing Places might be needed. You can add a pinpoint to the map.

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community consultation on draft Public Toilet Strategy

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Consideration of community feedback and amendments to the draft Public Toilet Strategy as required

    April 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Council to consider report on community feedback and adoption of Public Toilet Strategy

    Read the community engagement report

    Council is considering community feedback and the next steps for this project at its meeting on 21 May 2024.

To make a submission or enquiry, please get in touch via the following methods:

  • Share your views via the survey
  • Email Bruce Robertson, Senior Asset Engineer at
  • Phone 03 9599 4931
  • In person to the Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham
  • Post to Bayside City Council, PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091
  • Anonymously via the postal, phone or email details above.

Please note: Materials can be provided in accessible formats on request.

Submissions closed 2 April 2024

Please select the blue subscribe+ button at the top of this page to receive updates about this project, including notification of when it will be considered at Council meetings.

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(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

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