Early years’ services play an important role in supporting families, babies and children’s social and emotional development, and kindergarten education in the years before school is critical in providing a strong foundation for primary education.

At the August 2018 Council Meeting, Council resolved to:

1. endorse the Early Year’s Infrastructure Plan 2018-2028 and commences implementation of works;

2. develop a 10 year financial plan that incorporates expending $5.55M held in reserve;

3. undertake necessary works at Brighton South Playhouse;

4. receives a further report detailing options for the long term use of the Brighton South Playhouse;

5. endorses the relocation of Highett Maternal and Child Health service to the future CSIRO site;

6. considers the location of Hampton Maternal and Child Health; and

7. receives a further report following a review of the Infrastructure Plan in year five.

The endorsed Early Years Infrastructure Plan 2018-2028 is available here


What benefit (if any) would there be in having multiple early years services located in the same building/area?

Council is reviewing the benefits of locating services within the one facility or geographical area to better support families with young children. The services may include kindergartens, Maternal and Child Health centres, occasional care centres, playgro
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Accessing early years services

Share your experiences of accessing early years services in Bayside.

Your feedback will help Bayside City Council to create an Early Years Infrastructure Plan that is based on current and future community need.

This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Consultation has concluded, thank you for your feedback.