Your comments have been used to inform the Integrated Transport Strategy
Your feedback will help to shape Council's Integrated Transport Strategy and plan for a more sustainable transport future. The Strategy will help us increase transport choices in Bayside, whilst managing traffic and parking congestion as best we can.
Walking is a free, sustainable and convenient alternative to car travel for short trips. Council is seeking to encourage more walking as an alternative to short private vehicle trips in Bayside.
Speed limits
More info
This consultation has concluded, thank you for your feedback. Your comments will be used to inform the development of a draft Integrated Transport Strategy.
About the Integrated Transport Strategy
Feedback you provide will be incorporated into the development of an Integrated Transport Strategy.
The Strategy will strengthen the relationship between community aspirations and Council's transport planning. It will have an emphasis on planning for a more sustainable transport future where we will grow mobility within the community whilst managing traffic and parking congestion as best we can.
Themes of the Strategy:
The Integrated Transport Strategy will focus on the following areas:
- Walking and Cycling: Walking and cycling will be prioritised as the preferred modes of transport for short trips in Bayside
- Better Public Transport: Council will advocate to the State government for improved public transport access to, within and from Bayside
- Parking and Access: Council will balance the needs of all drivers to ensure a reasonable likelihood of parking close to their destination
- Safer Streets: Bayside’s streets will be actively managed to provide the safest and most efficient transport system possible for all road users
- Integrated Transport and Land Use: Council will work to ensure that land use development supports sustainable transport use
- Enable Choice and Educate: Council will seek to increase awareness within the community about the benefits of sustainable travel and emerging transport technologies that contribute to a reduction in transport related emissions
Why have an Integrated Transport Strategy?
A steady increase in population and affluence has led to an annual growth in private motor vehicle registrations in Bayside of 1.9%, meaning that there will be an additional 20,000 private vehicles competing for road and parking space in Bayside over the next 10 years. Providing additional capacity through more road and parking space is not a sustainable solution to this dilemma.
To manage this growth we need to shift our reliance from private vehicles to alternative modes of transport.
The updated Integrated Transport Strategy will strengthen the relationship between community aspirations relating to transport and Council’s direction for transport planning and provision.
Have your say on transport in Bayside:
Safer Streets
Bayside’s streets provide access for a range of users and need to be actively managed to provide the most safe and efficient transport system possible. User friendly streets are those which incorporate measures such as reduced vehicle speeds and volumes, enable greater sharing between users of streets and public spaces, and provide the various transport modes and users with a balanced and appropriate level of priority.
- There are competing interests from different road users for limited road space
- Lower speed limits on local roads are not are not always supported by the community
- There are conflicting views regarding the long term vision for Beach Road
Potential actions
- Advocate to the State government to address accident hot-spots on the arterial road network
- Implement measures to improve road safety for all road users at accident hot-spots on the local road network
- Establish a program of works to provide more pedestrian crossings at key locations across the municipality
- Reduce the speed limit on some roads within Bayside to provide a safer road environment for all road users
- Develop road safety education campaigns that encourage all road users to make safe transport decisions
- A safer road network
- Reduced traffic volumes and slower traffic speeds
- Improved safety for vulnerable road users
- Increased pedestrian and cyclist activity on our streets
- Increased social interaction on our street