Council decision
Council decided not to proceed with proposed restrictions.
Project updates
Balcombe Road proposed no stopping restrictions
To provide a safer cycling experience for riders of all ages and abilities, we’re proposing to implement no stopping restrictions at specific times on Balcombe Road between Reserve and Charman Roads (excluding the angle parking at Seaview shops).
The new restrictions will provide more on-road space for riders. The times proposed are targeted around busy school commuting hours. This is to improve connectivity for local school communities and to encourage the use of sustainable transport.
The proposed changes are in response to advocacy from resident groups after reported near misses between cars and students. Aligning with the Bayside Integrated Transport Strategy 2018 – 2028, theme three of the Bayside 2050 Community Vision, and the Council Plan 2021 – 2025, Balcombe Road is also included in the Principal Bicycle Network (as identified by the Victorian State Government).
Snap shot of the proposed new restrictions on Balcombe Road

Consultation closed 26 March 2024
Council decision
Council decided not to proceed with proposed restrictions.
Consultation closed 26 March 2024
How to participate in this project
- Via the survey or upload a written statement
- Ask a question in the Q&A forum
- Book a meeting or email Chris Phiniefs, Transport
Planning Lead,
- Phone 03 9599 4830
- In person at the Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham
- Post to Bayside City Council, PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091
- Anonymously via the postal, phone or email details above
Please note: Materials can be provided in accessible formats on request
Submissions close 5.00pm Tuesday 26 March 2024
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