Council adopted the Year 3 Action Plan at its June 2023 meeting.
Bayside’s Council Plan is delivered each year through an annual Action Plan.
The annual Action Plan details what we’re doing towards achieving our Council Plan goals over the next 12 months, and how we’ll measure our progress.
Community feedback gathered in April - May 2023 helped us to ensure the annual Action Plan continues to align with our community’s aspirations, as articulated in the Council Plan 2021-2025.
Action on our Council Plan goals
As custodians, we will lead, act and advocate on the critical issues of environmental sustainability and climate emergency, and on our shared responsibility to care for and protect Earth’s vitality, diversity, beauty and the community of life.
Key actions
1. Implement Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) for 2023-24, including:
- Develop a business case for suitable neighbourhood battery locations.
- Review the Integrated Water Management Plan and implement to address climate change impacts.
- Engage with United Energy to investigate trialling Power pole mounted EV chargers.
2. Undertake and complete annual review of the Biodiversity Action Plan:
- Surveys for flora and fauna groups where data is currently limited in conservation reserves and key wetlands and waterways and submit to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA).
- Implement a management strategy for significant/rare species.
- Implement
the Biodiversity Notice of Motions with a focus on delivering on ground
3. Continue to implement the Park improvement and Habitat linkage plan.
4. Develop an Ornamental Lake Management Plan, including the Cheltenham Golf Course reservoir.
5. Determine long term options to manage coastal erosion at Dendy Street beach.
6. Progress implementation of the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Masterplan, including the design of the Wetland and Gateway building
7. Continue to lead the community to reduce waste generation and increase waste diversion from landfill:
- Deliver circular economy projects, including the reusable nappies program and the roving repair workshop.
- Conduct evidence based review to evaluate the impact of Council’s change to the kerbside collection schedule.
- Deliver projects to reduce single use plastics including education and reduction program.
We will plan and advocate for a Bayside where our diverse communities and people can thrive, live healthy and active lives, fostering inclusion and participation through holistic, innovative approaches to economic and social wellbeing.
Key actions
1. Implement the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Deliver
a partnership with a community organisation to improve community understanding
and attitudes to child safety.
- Increase awareness and accessibility of early intervention services to improve mental health for young people in Bayside (including eating disorders).
2. Expand Council’s aged care service to include aged care packages in response to the Aged Care Reform recommendations.
3. Implement the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan:
- Develop and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
- Engage staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and
- Develop and pilot innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
4. Deliver diverse arts, culture and library infrastructure, services and programs in accordance with the new Bayside Arts, Culture and Libraries strategy.
5. Implement stage 2 of the Affordable Housing Strategy.
6. Implement the Delivery of the Disability Action Plan with an emphasis on Year 2 priority areas including physical and built environment, information and communication, employment and community participation and social support.
7. Complete the Economic Development, Tourism and Placemaking Strategy and submit to Council for adoption.
Our open spaces and foreshore, our facilities and the built environment are highly valued, shared and enhanced to ensure their use, liveability, character, sustainability, and amenity for current and future generations.
Key actions
1. Implement the Playground Improvement plan including activity spaces for all ages and abilities in 2023-24.
2. Review Public Toilet strategy including opportunities for additional “Changing places” sites.
3. Implement the approved capital works program for 2023-2024, across diverse categories (major projects, capital projects, replacement and renewal).
4. Develop a strategic management plan for the Billilla precinct and deliver a public program to activate Billilla gardens.
5. Implement actions from Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy:
- Progress the Footpath Connectivity Program to address missing links in the footpath network.
- Continue the rollout of parking technology to optimise the use of parking spaces in Sandringham.
- Progress the delivery of the East/West bicycle connection between Sandringham and Cheltenham Stage 1 (Subject to Council resolution).
6. Implement the Bayside Parking Strategy (subject to Council endorsement of Strategy) including review and improve disabled parking provision across the municipality.
We will engage with and represent all in our community, and provide ethical, open and accountable stewardship of the Bayside municipality and deliver sustainable services that meets the vision and needs of the current and future generations of Bayside.
Key actions
1. Conduct annual Council Plan review and develop the Annual Action Plan 2024-25
2. Review and adopt the 10-Year Financial Plan and Annual Budget.
3. Deliver a program of work including regular post interaction customer surveying to understand and improve customer experience at every interaction. Leverage the data and insights to:
- Improve both digital and traditional solutions for customers to interact with us via their channel of choice.
- Improve internal complaints handling procedure to drive clarification and timely resolution for our customers.
Highlights of the draft Action Plan