Find out more about the Year 3 Action Plan
Read answers to frequently asked questions or ask your own question below
- What is a Council Plan and Action Plan?
All Councils develop a plan known as the Council Plan which sets out the strategic direction for each Council's 4-year term in office. The Council Plan is supported each year by an annual action plan, which details what we’re doing towards achieving our Council Plan goals over the next 12 months, and how we’ll measure our progress.
The Council Plan reflects the community’s priorities and aspirations through its development via deliberative engagement.
Bayside’s Council Plan 2021-25 was developed with a representative community panel, which was formed in early 2021. Panel members were independently selected to be broadly representative of the Bayside community, with a diverse mix of ages; geographic locations; residents vs businesses; gender; and other key demographic characteristics. Over five workshop sessions in April – June 2021, panel members were presented with relevant information, heard from experts, and had an opportunity to discuss and debate to contribute to the development of the Council Plan 2021-25.
- How was the Action Plan developed?
The Year 3 Action Plan was drafted with Councillors, based on their aspirations for the community and to further progress the Council Plan priorities. These priorities were informed by ongoing engagement and discussion with the community and the people they represent. Senior officers of Council also provide reports and intelligence on key opportunities that have emerged in the operating environment such as legislative changes, funding or partnership arrangements.
Council will review and finalise the Year 3 Action Plan, following feedback from the community.
- How are Council Plan actions measured and reported on?
Council Plan actions are monitored monthly by the executive team and reported to Council and the community on a quarterly basis. Key strategic indicators are published as part of the Council Plan and are reported annually.
- Why are you asking for feedback?
At least once in each financial year, Council must consider whether the current Council Plan requires any adjustment in respect of the remaining period of the Council Plan and renew the Annual Action Plan and Annual Budget for the following year.
We are seeking feedback on the Year 3 Action Plan from the representative community panel and broader community to inform Council’s consideration and adoption of the Action Plan at its meeting in June 2023.
- Does the Year 3 Action Plan support the strategic intent outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2025?
- Have we got it right? Is anything significant missing?
- How will my feedback by considered?
Consultation on the draft Action Plan is open from 19 April to 9 May 2023. Following this community feedback will be considered and amendments made the draft Plan, as required.
Council will consider a report on community feedback received during the consultation period, and a proposed Action Plan for adoption at its 27 June 2023 meeting.
Ask your own question about the annual Action Plan
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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.
Liz Peddie
Corporate Planner
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