We are open for play!
Thomas Street playground has been totally transformed and we now have the first fully inclusive playspace in Bayside, a place where everyone can play. To see more pictures, a video and details about the new playground visit the Thomas Street accessible playground page.
Key elements include a new castle and extensive accessible play equipment, a senior’s exercise area, picnic shelters, a Changing Places and public toilet facility
Works commenced in October 2020 to remove the existing wooden fort playground structure. We retained and reused several of the turrets from the original structure in the new playground, to acknowledge the history of the park and the enormous community contribution it has made over the years.
Find out more information on this project by clicking through the tabs below.
The genuinely inclusive playground is complete with wheelchair trampolines, flying foxes, slides, a range of swings, a parkour course and a water play area. The centrepiece of the playground is a timber castle, which carries forward the theme of the current fort/castle. Turrets from the existing and much-loved fort have been re-purposed in the new design and wood and natural materials are featured throughout. There will be extensive planting for shade, sensory stimulation and unstructured play.
The playground will be a place where kids of all different abilities can play together. Not everyone will have the abilities to use all the equipment in the playground, but everyone will have a choice of a range of activities to ensure everyone has a chance to exercise their growing minds and bodies. The inclusive playspace will be located where the existing fort is now, close to Thomas Street and away from neighbouring properties. Adjacent to the main playground will be a senior adults exercise area, with a range of equipment designed to improve balance and flexibility and encourage healthy ageing. A new 500 metre walking path around the park will invite everyone to be more active. A series of picnic shelters, a new larger toilet and change block, water bubblers and shady trees will mean you can stay and play for longer.
Some elements of the draft design were revised based on the feedback. Detailed design plans have now been finalised and are available for download or viewing from the document library on the right hand side of this page.
These designs were developed using feedback from extensive community consultation during the ‘gathering ideas’ phase of consultation in April 2019, including input by a Community Reference Group that included local parents. Playground designer Ric McConaghy then created a highly original and magical concept that has been tested and revised based on feedback received during the 'Have your say on the concept' and 'Have your say on the draft plan' phases.
Consultation on the draft plan closed Sunday 8 September 2019. The Consultation Report can be accessed and downloaded from the document library on the right hand side of this page.
The current toilet block will be replaced with a new, larger facility better suited to the needs of kids and parents of all abilities and will include a Changing Places hoist-assisted change facility.
The public toilet upgrade is being delivered as part of Council’s Public Toilet Strategy (2019- 2023). Please refer to the image below for an indication of what the new facilities will look like once complete.
Interactive map
Click on the coloured icons to view indicative images of special features of the new playground - you can view a full sized version of the map by clicking the arrow in the right hand corner. These are just a taste of what the new design proposes. You can download the complete set of plans under the heading 'Playground plan'.

More information
Background information on the project including previous engagement