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What you told us
Read about community feedback on the 7 Well Street pocket park design
Council decided to create a pocket park on Well Street, just a short stroll from the Church Street shopping precinct, in December 2021 following community support for more public open space in the area.
Our community told us they wanted ‘a passive space for relaxation, sitting and reading’ during consultation in late 2021 on the future use of the site.
Further consultation was undertaken from 16 January – 13 February 2023, to ensure our concept design meets community needs and expectations. Community ideas helped shape the detailed design of the pocket park.
Click on the flashing icons to see some of the design elements that will be included in the park. Please note this map is illustrative and not intended to provide exact locations.
Click on the flashing icons to see some of the design elements that will be included in the park. Please note this map is illustrative and not intended to provide exact locations.

Planting palette
Frequently asked questions
The 700m2 pocket park is intended as a passive space for local residents and visitors to relax and enjoy a quiet moment in nature. Located just a short walk from the Church Street shopping precinct, the park is a convenient place to have lunch or a coffee throughout the day. The area will include features such as outdoor seating, a picnic table, bike racks and accessible pathways.
The park will showcase a range of native and indigenous vegetation including, shrubs, grasses, flowering plants and large trees. Check out the planting palette on the project page to see the different types of vegetation we’re proposing to plant.
Council has budgeted $100,000 towards the development of the pocket park.
Construction of the new pocket park will commence in mid-2023, with the park set to open to the community in the later half of the year.
The residence at 7 Well Street was purchased by Council in 2005 with the intention to provide additional car parking in the Church Street activity centre.
To facilitate this process, we commenced a planning scheme amendment C165 in 2019 to rezone the site from a General Residential Zone to a Public Use Zone. An independent Planning Panel was appointed to consider submissions, ultimately recommending that the amendment be abandoned. This rezoning process was also unsupported by the Minister for Planning.
Council resolved to investigate alternative land use opportunities at the site as part of a community engagement process in March 2021. Community engagement was undertaken between 7 October to 7 November 2021 seeking community views on the potential future use of 7 Well Street. The feedback showed strong support for site to be returned to public open space, at two-thirds or 64% of the 689 submissions.
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Timeline item 1 - complete
Community engagement – Support for idea
7 October - 7 November 2021
Understand community support for the proposal.
Council considered community feedback and decided to create a pocket park at its December 21 meeting.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Community consultation
16 January 2023 – 13 February 2023
Timeline item 3 - complete
Consideration of community feedback
A Community Engagement Summary Report will be prepared
Timeline item 4 - complete
Detailed plan designed
A detailed design will be created incorporating feedback from the community based on the concept design
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Construction of the new pocket park is set to commence in mid-2023
To make a submission or enquiry, please get in touch via the following methods:
- Online via the survey on this page
- Ask a question in the Q&A forum
- Email Paul Gibbs, Open Space Coordinator
- Phone 9599 4735
- In person to the Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham
- Post to Bayside City Council, PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091
- Anonymously via the postal, phone or email details above.
Please note: Materials can be provided in accessible formats on request
Submissions close 13 February 2023
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PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191
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