Project updates
Project overview
Council is proposing to establish a community garden in a section of open space in Little Brighton Reserve, Union Street, Brighton East.
In early 2022, we asked the community if they support a community garden and more indigenous planting at the proposed site, and what they thought about the proposed designs. Participants could also express an interest in joining a group to manage the garden, should the project proceed.
Community engagement summary report
Proposed community garden design 🥕
Location of the proposed garden 🌻
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community consultation
30 March - 25 April 2022
Timeline item 2 - complete
Council to consider project
Council is expected to consider community feedback and proposed garden design at its July 2022 meeting.
Timeline item 3 - active
Completion of works
Subject to the outcomes of community consultation.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Garden handover to community group
Ways to have your say
- Online using the survey.
- Email or phone using the contact details listed below.
- In person to the Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham or at onsite engagement events.
- Post to Bayside City Council, PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091.
- Anonymously using any of the above methods.
Submissions close on 25 April 2022.
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