Project objective

In response to community sentiment in the local area, Council is looking to establish a community garden in a section of open space in Little Brighton Reserve, Union Street, Brighton East.

A community garden is defined as a single parcel of land gardened collectively by a group of people. It is a community-managed, multi-functional garden space that can provide a wide range of environmental, social, and economic benefits. There are three types of community gardens as defined by the Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network:

  • ‘Shared gardens’, in which gardeners work across the whole garden and take a share of what they grow.
  • ‘Allotment gardens’, in which individuals or families have their own space in the garden.
  • A garden with both allotments and shared gardening space.

Council will provide funding to set up the initial facility based on the proposed design from community garden consultant, ‘Cultivating Community’.

Project impacts

The health and wellbeing benefits of community gardening and gardens are well documented. Growing your own food individually or in a collective encourages community connection, activity, and recreation. The site is close to residences for elderly citizens, and accessibility is a key consideration. The playground adjacent to the site provides opportunity for intergenerational activity.

The current assumption is that that this will be a ‘shared garden’. Council does not currently have a community group or entity to partner with to develop a community garden at this site, as per its Community Garden Policy 2018. As such, this project is led and managed by Council.

However, once the garden is complete, Council intends that a community-led approach to management of the garden is established and an MOU or similar agreement signed with the local community gardening ‘club’.

What information do we need from the community?

For this type of project to be successful, the support of the local community is needed to achieve the best possible outcomes.

We need to understand:

  • If there is local community support for Council to install a community garden at the proposed site
  • Community sentiment on the design of the proposed community garden
  • If there are local community members with interest, commitment and/or skills and experience to offer in the ongoing operation and management of the proposed community garden, including formation of an incorporated community group
  • If there is local community support for Council to install additional indigenous plantings in the reserve

What can the community influence?

  • The design of the proposed community garden, by providing feedback on the design provided by Cultivating Community, including the number and location of garden beds, garden bed design, colour and artwork on garden beds, composting infrastructure, and accessibility requirements
  • The level of community involvement in the ongoing operation and maintenance of the proposed community garden
  • Whether additional indigenous plantings are required in the reserve

What can't the community influence?

  • Any existing or new infrastructure in the reserve additional to the proposed community garden, e.g. no new public lighting, upgrades to the adjacent playground, upgrades to the shared path in Little Brighton Reserve, new barbecues.
  • The budget allocation by Council for the project

Stakeholders and community

This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.

Impact: What level of change will the stakeholder / community segment experience as a result of the project/matter

Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated

Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum.





Residents directly adjacent to Little Brighton Reserve




Community members looking to form a community garden




Playground and open space users in Little Brighton Reserve




Local MPsLMInform

Local environment groups




Bayside gardeners and clubs




Selected tools and techniques

The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content, stakeholders and type of feedback sought.

The unpredictable impact of COVID-19 restricts our ability for drop-in sessions, as well as slower distribution of mail.

Key tools for communicating the project

  • Direct addressed mail to key stakeholders.
  • Email notification to Have Your Say subscribers.
  • Have Your Say project page updates.

Key methods for gathering feedback

  • On-site information and engagement session.
  • Online engagement through Have Your Say, including opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback.
  • Liaison with community representatives, including Committees of Council, local interest and reference groups.


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Community consultation

    30 March - 25 April 2022.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Consideration of community feedback

    April - May 2022.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Finalisation of garden design

    May 2022.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Consideration of community feedback at Council meeting

    Council is expected to consider community feedback at the June 2022 Council Meeting.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Completion of works

    June - July 2022 subject to the outcomes of community consultation.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Garden handover to community group

    August 2022.

Decision-making process

The final community garden design and budget will be informed by community feedback.

A Council Briefing may be required in response to Notice of Motion 306 (March 2021) to inform Council of progress and/or completion of the community garden project.

Council officers will work with any local community members willing to form a working group or entity to partner Council in the ongoing operation and management of the proposed community garden, i.e., a Committee or incorporated body.

Timing of works for a community garden or any indigenous plantings in the Reserve, will be determined by Council officers in conjunction with contractors.

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More information

If you would like more information please contact Julian Donlen, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, on 9599 4749 or at