Strategy adopted

Bayside's Affordable Housing Strategy was adopted by Council on 15 June 2021.

Continued population growth and a strong property market is creating pressure on housing affordability and the inclusivity of our community.

Affordable housing is housing that is appropriate for the needs of a range of very low to moderate income households, and priced so these households can meet their other essential basic living costs.

If the cost of housing is more than 30% of a household’s gross income, they are considered to be in housing stress and may not be able to meet other essential costs like health care, utilities, and transport. By this measure, the 23.7% of our community that are in rental stress are considered to be at risk of losing their housing security.

Anyone can need affordable housing if their circumstances change, yet Bayside offers very few affordable options.

We’ve developed a Draft Affordable Housing Strategy to increase the supply of appropriate and accessible affordable housing in Bayside over the next four years. Council does not provide or build affordable or social housing, however, there are ways we can help through:

  • Advocacy to State and Federal Government
  • Partnerships with State Government and the housing sector (private market and community housing providers)
  • Support for affordable housing providers and Bayside residents in housing crisis
  • Planning provisions to encourage affordable housing in appropriate locations that is sustainably designed to reflect Bayside's values.

Affordable housing is housing that is appropriate for the needs of a range of very low to moderate income households, and priced (whether mortgage repayments or rent) so these households can meet their other essential basic living costs.

Income ranges for very low to moderate income households, 2020


Very low income
range (annual)

18% of Bayside households

Low income
range (annual)

10.2% of Bayside households

Moderate income
range (annual)

12.7% of Bayside households

Single adult

Up to $26,090

$26,091 to $41,750

$41,750 to $62,610

Couple, no dependent

Up to $39,130

$39,131 to $62,620

$62,621 to $93,920

Family (with one or two parents) and dependent children.

Up to $54,780

$54,781 to $87,670

$87,671 to $131,500

Affordable housing also includes social housing. Social housing is an umbrella term that includes both public housing and community housing. It is rental housing that is provided and/or managed by government or non-government organisations.

Spectrum of housing types

  • 18% of Bayside households live on a very low income
  • 23.7% of households renting in Bayside are in rental stress
  • 9% of households are in mortgage stress
  • 22.2% of local workers earn less than $500 per week
  • 59.5% of people working in Bayside live outside the municipality.

Source: Census data, .id profile data

Currently, there are 1,026 households in Bayside with an unmet need for affordable housing.

The lack of affordable housing in Bayside also means that our residents face a higher risk of extreme lifestyle changes if their income or household changes, such as through a family breakdown or separation, temporary unemployment, accident, or injury.

Limited affordable housing also prevents Bayside's key workers from living in the area they work, and young people from starting out on their own in the area they grew up.

Without intervention, the shortage of affordable housing will only increase, strengthening the divide within the community between those that can afford to live in Bayside and those that are forced to leave the area to find more affordable accommodation if they face personal or financial hardship.

Five least affordable postcodes in Greater Melbourne

Source: SGS Economics and Planning, Rental Affordability Index Report

Council does not provide, build or allocate affordable or social housing. Our role is to encourage and facilitate the provision of affordable and social housing through the planning system, direct support, partnerships and advocacy.

The development of an Affordable Housing Strategy was a key recommendation from the Bayside Housing Strategy 2019 and aligns with the Council Plan 2017-2021 and the Community Plan 2025.

The purpose of an Affordable Housing Strategy is to increase the supply of appropriate and accessible affordable and social housing in Bayside and ensure our very low to moderate income residents and key workers can continue to live and thrive in our municipality.

Having an Affordable Housing Strategy with clear aims and actions also helps to ensure that affordable housing is constructed in appropriate locations and designed to reflect our municipality.

The draft Strategy is focussed on increasing the supply of social and affordable rental housing within Bayside that can be developed and managed through registered housing providers and/or private developers. While the provision of affordable home ownership is also important, social housing and affordable rental housing are more accessible than ownership, especially for those in need and on very low and low incomes, and these properties can be retained to help others in the long term.

Have your say

Community consultation closed on our Draft Affordable Housing Strategy on 25 April 2021. Find out what our community told us about affordable housing actions during this consultation.

  • Provide your feedback

    Community consultation closed on 25 April 2021.

  • Talk to us

    Book a time to talk to a project manager about affordable housing. Meetings can be held via phone, at Council’s offices in Royal Ave Sandringham, or online via video conference.

    Bookings closed on 23 April 2021

  • Community groups

    If you’re a member of a community or resident group and would like information about how your group can be involved, please contact Rachael Hudson at or on 9599 4368.

Support for people in housing crisis

If you’re in housing crisis and need support, please contact Council on 9599 4444 and we can connect you with local support services.