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Coastal and Marine Management Plan

We've developed the draft Bayside Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP). Led by Victorian Government legislation (Marine and Coastal Act 2018 and the Marine and Coastal Policy 2020), the plan will guide sustainable management of Bayside’s marine and coastal environment over the next 10 years. The CMMP replaces the Bayside Coastal Management Plan 2014.

The CMMP will help guide appropriate and effective management of our marine and coastal areas to support a healthy and sustainable foreshore and coastline. With increasing pressures from the changing climate, development and growth, and aging infrastructure, the CMMP aims to balance the management of social, cultural, environmental, and economic values of our coastline and the bay.

Bayside CMMP proposed precinct actions

The Bayside foreshore has been divided into six precincts so the diverse character of different areas of the foreshore can be described, and specific, localised management actions can be identified that reflect the unique values, issues and opportunities of each precinct. Like the Council-wide actions, actions for each precinct (including any relevant Council-wide actions) have been aligned with the long-term CMMP objectives. The precinct actions address the unique values, concerns and opportunities of each precinct.

Setting objectives

The CMMP identifies key priorities to provide a consistent framework for Council to strategically prioritise, improve, enhance and manage municipal coastal land.

It is recognised that the health, diversity, function, resilience and connectivity of important ecosystems and habitats within our landscapes and seascapes are critical to their success and survival.

Understanding coastal hazards, risks and potential climate change impacts allows appropriate planning, management and where possible mitigation of coastal hazard impacts. Adaptation is a core component of planning in the marine and coastal environment and is used to manage uncertainty and build resilience of our marine and coastal areas, for our ecosystems, our assets and our community.

Managing our use, interaction and enjoyment of our coastal and marine areas needs to balance a range of values, interests and demands. To ensure our coastal communities remain desirable, now and into the future, an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable approach is needed for our management of:

  • Coastal settlements – including residential and commercial areas.
  • Natural and open space.
  • Recreation and tourism.
  • Buildings, structures, and access.
  • Marine and coastal industries.

In managing our marine and coastal areas, there is the need to listen to, act upon and respect Traditional Owners’ voices and knowledge throughout planning, management and decision making.

Community stewardship involves caring for the natural marine and coastal places that exist in and around the communities we live in and taking actions that benefit the environment. Active community stewardship of the coastline provides a strong foundation for long term success in managing our marine, coastal and catchment areas.

Coastal and Marine Management Plan

Coastal and Marine Management Plan area

  • 17 kms of foreshore

    The CMMP area is between Head Street Brighton and Charman Road Beaumaris, including the coastal areas of Brighton, Hampton, Sandringham, Black Rock and Beaumaris.

  • Environmentally valuable areas

    Internationally significant areas include Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site, and the Dr Jim Willis Reserve area.

  • Popular beaches

    Including Middle Brighton, Dendy Street, Brighton Beach, Hampton Beach, Sandringham Harbour, Sandringham Beach, Half Moon Bay, Black Rock, Ricketts Point and Watkins Bay.

  • Historic Bathing Boxes

    Located at Dendy Street beach, the Bathing Boxes attract more than one million visitors every year.

  • ​Important boating facilities

    Important boating facilities are located at North Road, Middle Brighton, Sandringham, Half Moon Bay and Beaumaris.

State Policy context

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Berdine Roelofse

Coastal Planning and Projects Officer

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(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

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