The Annual Action Plan 2022–23 was adopted by Council at its June meeting, following community consultation and subsequent minor changes.
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Action on our Council Plan goals
As custodians, we will lead, act and advocate on the critical issues of environmental sustainability and climate emergency, and on our shared responsibility to care for and protect Earth’s vitality, diversity, beauty and the community of life.
Key actions
1. Implement Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) for 2022/23, including:
- Develop and deliver programs to support local business’ climate actions, through education and incentives.
- Develop partnership initiatives which promote climate action within Council and across the community.
- Develop a plan to transition Council operations to all-electric.
2. Undertake and complete annual review of the Biodiversity Action Plan:
- Ensure that indigenous trees are used as a priority in streets and parks to enhance biodiversity values and ensure the tree population is resilient to climate change.
- Investigate alternatives to products that contain glyphosate in relation to treating weeds and invasive plant species within Bayside.
- Advocate to the State Government to address the increasing issue of Noisy Miners and their negative impact on native birds.
3. Investigate and consider long term options to manage coastal erosion at Dendy Street beach
4. Implement the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve (EPNR) Masterplan: Wetlands and conservation island
5. Explore innovative solutions to reduce, reuse and recycle, as part of a review of the use of Council’s Transfer Station (2023).
We will plan and advocate for a Bayside where our diverse communities and people can thrive, live healthy and active lives, fostering inclusion and participation through holistic, innovative approaches to economic and social wellbeing.
Key actions
1. Implement the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Disability Action Plan implementation
- Construct seniors exercise equipment at Wilson Reserve, Tribrockery Reserve and Illaroo Reserve.
- Deliver a program on healthy eating initiatives across Bayside
- Conduct social impact assessments of planning permits with liquor licence element
- Create a Child Safe organisation and embed practices in services and programs
- Advocate and co-deliver community engagement programs for residents living on public housing estates in Bayside.
2. Expand Council’s aged care service to include aged care packages that are sustainable and respond to the Aged Care Reform recommendations (2021-2023)
3. Commence implementation of the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
- Facilitate an external RAP Advisory Group to provide cultural advice and guidance to Council
- Council adoption of Memorandum of Understanding between Bunurong Land Council and Bayside City Council.
- Formalise Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols.
4. Deliver six arts and cultural events in local areas to create social connection and access to local arts and culture
5. Implement the Affordable Housing Strategy
- Commence a planning scheme amendment to implement the relevant action into the Bayside Planning Scheme
- Develop and implement an affordable housing advocacy communications campaign plan as part of Council’s overall strategic advocacy campaign
- Investigate priority sites to incorporate affordable housing at the time of redevelopment on both public and private land.
- Develop a Bayside Housing Reference group.
6. Increase level of service for footpaths in Major Activity Centres and toilet cleaning along the foreshore in summer.
Our open spaces and foreshore, our facilities and the built environment are highly valued, shared and enhanced to ensure their use, liveability, character, sustainability, and amenity for current and future generations.
Key actions
- Implement the Playground Improvement plan including activity spaces for all ages and abilities
Program for 2022/23 includes Elsternwick Park South Reserve, Northern Playground - Implement the Landscape Plan for Elsternwick Park South
- Implement the approved capital works program for 2022-2023, including replacement and renewal
- Commence the Planning Scheme amendment to implement the Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) policy
- Implement actions from Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy:
- Undertake the design and approval process for the Bay Trail duplication project in Brighton as part of the removal of high-risk sites
- Adopt a Bayside Parking Strategy.
We will engage with and represent all in our community, and provide ethical, open and accountable stewardship of the Bayside municipality and deliver sustainable services that meets the vision and needs of the current and future generations of Bayside.
Key actions
- Develop and implement Annual Council Plan Action Plan and Annual Budget
- Review Councillor Code of Conduct
- Implement Year 1 of the Property Strategy, in particular the Leases and Licences policy
- Deliver a program of work aimed to understand and improve customer experience at every interaction, including:
- New customer complaint handling procedure to ensure a fair and consistent approach to complaint handling
- Introduce a continuous Customer feedback survey across Council services
- Using data and insights, demonstrate the need for the introduction of a web chat and live chat solution and deliver this solution to provide customers with an additional service channel.
Highlights of the draft Action Plan

Please read the draft Annual Action Plan before providing your feedback.