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Bayside is home to many significant mid-century properties thanks to a concentration of innovative architects building in the years following World War II.

A Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study has been compiled by independent specialists to identify and document places within Bayside which should be considered for heritage protection.

Council considered feedback from the preliminary consultation on this Study at its July 2022 meeting and resolved to remove 28 properties from inclusion in a heritage overlay. Minutes from the Council Meeting, including the full Council Resolution can be read here.

In addition, Council resolved to commence a Planning Scheme Amendment to apply a Heritage Overlay to the recommended places (with the deletion of 28 properties), and also request the Minister for Planning to apply interim controls to these places.

Council has received authorisation from the Minister for Planning to commence the Planning Scheme Amendment which is now known as Amendment C192bays. In addition, interim controls to all these properties now apply.

The planning process for a Heritage Overlay has several steps in place to ensure property owner and stakeholder views are considered prior to the application of heritage protection.

These steps include a Public Exhibition Period for Amendment C192bays, which ran from 7 September 2023 until 19 October 2023. This provided property owners and stakeholders the opportunity to support or object to the proposed heritage controls.

Council has coordinated with Planning Panels Victoria to arrange a Panel hearing for this Amendment. The Panel Hearing commenced the week starting 26 February 2024. The Panel heard evidence from both Council and submitters, and considered the evidence to provide recommendations to Council as to how to best proceed with the amendment. Read the Panel Report.

Council adopted Amendment C192bays at its July 2024 meeting. Amendment C192bays is being submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval to apply a Heritage Overlay on these significant properties. If approved by the Minister, the Amendment will be gazetted, and the Bayside Planning Scheme will be updated.

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Amendment C192bays Public Exhibition

The public exhibition was open from 7 September to 19 October 2023. Council adopted Amendment C192bays at its July 2024 meeting.

Project timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1: Preparation of Draft Heritage Study February – December 2021

    Council engages a heritage consultant.

    Generally, assessment of places is undertaken on a step by step basis, starting with a preliminary assessment. This involves a documentation review and desktop fieldwork.

    On-site fieldwork is undertaken - physical inspection of places helps identify properties that are worthy of further investigation.

    From this, the heritage consultant is able to further assess places that may be of potential significance and prepare a Draft Heritage Study.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Stage 2: Draft Heritage Study

    A Draft Heritage Study is prepared and recommends places for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay.

    Read the draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Stage 3: Preliminary consultation

    7 February – 30 April 2022

    Council provides an opportunity for property owners and relevant stakeholders to submit feedback on the Draft Heritage Study. This includes providing information that may not have been considered previously.

    Read the Phase 1 community engagement report.

    A Delegated Committee of Council heard submissions in relation to the draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study on 15 and 16 June 2022.

    Read the meeting agenda

    Read the meeting minutes

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Stage 4: Finalise the Study

    July 2022

    Council considered feedback from the preliminary consultation at its July 2022 meeting, and whether to:

    • Adopt the Study (with or without changes)
    • Commence a Planning Scheme Amendment process to apply the Heritage Overlay to the recommended places.

    Read the meeting agenda

    Read the meeting minutes

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Stage 5: Planning Scheme Amendment Process begins

    August 2022

    Council sought authorisation from the Minister for Planning to exhibit the Amendment.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Stage 6: Public Exhibition Period

    7 September - 19 October 2023

    Council provides property owners and stakeholders with the opportunity to support or object to the proposed heritage controls.

    The Public Exhibition period must be publicly advertised and open for a minimum of 28 days. Due to school holidays, the exhibition period will be run for a period of 42 days.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Stage 7: Consider submissions received during public exhibition period

    Where submissions are received seeking changes to the proposed amendment, a request will be made of the Minister for Planning to appoint an independent Planning Panel to consider those submissions received, in accordance with Council's 19 July 2022 meeting resolution.

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Stage 8: Panel Hearing

    26 February 2024

    All submitters in the Public Exhibition Period (Stage 6) and Council are provided an opportunity to present their case to the Panel. Learn more about Planning Panels.

  • Timeline item 9 - complete

    Stage 9: Panel Report provided to Council

    The Planning Panel Report provides recommendations to Council as to how to proceed with the amendment.

    Read the Panel Report.

  • Timeline item 10 - complete

    Stage 10: Final decision

    July 2024 Council meeting

    Council adopted Amendment C192bays at its July 2024 meeting.

    Council considered the Panel’s recommendations and decided to adopt the amendment as recommended by the Panel.

    Approval is requested by the Minister for Planning.

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(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

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