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Big plans for improving community health and wellbeing

In August 2021 we completed consultation with the community to help inform and prioritise the health and wellbeing focus that will be managed through a health and wellbeing action plan.

The Plan was adopted by Council on Tuesday 26 October.

Bayside’s Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee and Healthy Ageing Reference Group will play a big part in delivering the actions set out in the plan.

We will also work alongside local health service provides and community organisations to initiate social reconnection, plan programs to support the most vulnerable members of our community and provide opportunities to create better access and inclusion in Bayside.

Find out more by viewing the plans below.

The current plan, ‘Bayside's Wellbeing for All Ages and Abilities Strategy’ 2017-2021, is in its fourth and final year. The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 requires Councils to develop a municipal public health and wellbeing plan every four years, within 12 months of each general election of the Council. The next municipal public health and wellbeing plan is due in October 2021.

Each plan should explain and demonstrate the significant role of Council in improving the health and wellbeing of people who live, work, study and play in the municipality. When looking to the Health & Wellbeing of Bayside residents this plan should aim to address key health priorities and long term community aspirations identified by the Bayside community.

With this feedback Council will be able to further understand and give context to which areas need to be prioritised over the next four years and how this is best achieved.

All engagement activities will enhance our aim to create a plan that is inclusive and identifies with the majority of our community.

As the level of Government closest to our community, we play a key role in identifying issues and service gaps, instigating programs, facilitating partnerships, developing policy, implementing local law, providing support and services directly to residents and undertaking important infrastructure developments.

The health and vitality of a community has far reaching impacts on the social and economic wellbeing, workforce participation, productivity and overall wellbeing of Bayside residents.

Feedback we collect will help will work towards addressing identified priority health areas that our key to improving the overall health and wellbeing of our community.

Examples of where we can influence and activities we have previously delivered include:

  • Volunteering
  • Community safety
  • Mental health initiatives
  • Healthy eating and implementing healthy food options at sporting club canteens
  • Healthy ageing
  • Inclusion and access
  • Improving social connectedness and engagement with vulnerable community members
  • Reducing family violence

As the first step in updating the Plan, Metropolis Research completed a survey of 400 residents in November 2020 to understand their views on how Council can best support improved wellbeing within Bayside. The data collected from the telephone survey has been used along with Census data to develop Bayside's Health and Wellbeing Profile 2021 - 2025.

Key Bayside Health Facts

For the most part Bayside residents are a healthy, connected and resilient community

  • Just over half of Bayside residents agreed (50.3%) that they lived in a close-knit community and felt a strong sense of belonging to the community (53.7%).
  • Bayside residents (96.1%) feel safe walking in their neighbourhood during the day and walking at night in the local area (66.7%)
  • Bayside residents exercise at levels above the Victorian Average:
    • 64% exercise more than 4 times per week
  • The majority of residents (83.2%) rated their mental health as either ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’


  • Just under half of Bayside residents (42.3%) are considered overweight (pre-obese) or obese. Males more likely than females to be considered overweight or obese.
  • Nearly half of Bayside’s adult population (45.7%) drink more than two standard alcohol drinks two to three times per week
  • It is estimated that 7,500 (9%) of Bayside residents live in poverty ‘not having enough available income to afford life’s necessities such as food, clothing or healthcare’
    • women comprise the majority of Bayside adults living in poverty (57%)
    • And those with a disability comprised a third of those living in poverty (31%)

We have developed a snapshot of Bayside's health profile. You can find out more by viewing the health profile uploaded in the document library.

Health and wellbeing is everybody’s business.

Bayside’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan provides direction for the whole of community. Actions will involve or be led by a wide range of internal and external stakeholders, including: various council departments, health organisations, community centres and volunteer groups.

Council’s role in implementing the Plan and associated Action Plans will include:

  • Direct programs and services
  • Facility planning and coordination
  • Partnerships and strengthening community capacity
  • Advocacy and information

Bayside’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and Action Plans will operate in conjunction with other key Council strategic documents to guide work across Bayside to improve health and wellbeing.

Action Plans

Two action plans have been developed:

  • Health and Wellbeing Action Plan; and
  • Disability Action Plan (addresses the Disability Act 2006)

The Action Plans will include high level strategic activities that will be taken to Council and other partners to achieve the goals and objectives set out in Bayside’s Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.

Progress against the Action Plans will be monitored, with annual reports made to Council and the community on their achievement as per legislative requirements.

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021 -2025 highlights four key goals and fourteen objectives all with their own actions:

  • Goal 1: Connected and thriving community
  • Goal 2: Healthy and active community
  • Goal 3: Respectful and safe community
  • Goal 4: Fair and inclusive community

    Who's listening?

    Lauren Waycott

    Community Wellbeing Coordinator

    Phone 9599 4686



    • Timeline item 1 - complete

      Survey of residents

      Household survey of 400 residents in Bayside

      Novemeber 2020

    • Timeline item 2 - complete

      Community consultation

      Gather community feedback

      February 2 - 14 March 2021

    • Timeline item 3 - complete

      Agency workshop

      We work with our agency partners to provide their feedback on key questions for drafting the discussion paper.

      April – May 2021

    • Timeline item 4 - complete

      ​Draft plan

      A draft plan developed and presented to Council.

      July 2021

    • Timeline item 5 - complete

      Community consultation on draft plan

      22 July - 21 August 2021

    • Timeline item 6 - complete

      Action plans released

      Action plans targeting specific population groups across the lifespan will be developed and released.

      October 2021

    • Timeline item 7 - active

      Implementation of actions

      November 2021

    Join to have your say


    Contact us

    (03) 9599 4444

    Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

    PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

    For general enquiries to Bayside Council

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