Let’s Talk Bayside is Council’s newsletter delivered to homes and businesses in Bayside every two months. It shares news of Council programs, services and decisions as well as things happening in the Bayside community. You can read the current and previous issues here.
We want your feedback on the magazine and how we can improve.
What you told us about Let's Talk Bayside
More than 600 community members had their say on Let’s Talk Bayside via an online and print survey.

Project timeline
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community consultation
Survey open 16 February - 3 April 2022
Read about how we're engaging with the community on this project.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Consideration of feedback
May 2022
Evaluation of results from the printed and online surveys.
Timeline item 3 - complete
Develop recommendations
June - July 2022
Timeline item 4 - active
Implement changes to the magazine
August - September 2022