Project objective

The Character Review is to define preferred future character throughout Bayside. The review will guide how residential development in Bayside will be planned and managed in the future. It will do this by determining how existing planning policy and controls are functioning and if any local policy content, planning controls or mapping within the Bayside Planning Scheme needs to be amended.

The review is expected to be implemented in two stages via two separate planning scheme amendments: General Residential Zone (GRZ) areas and Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) areas throughout Bayside. Community engagement on the NRZ amendment is expected to occur in 2022.

Character in General Residential Zones

The first stage of community engagement on character in General Residential Zones (18 November – 31 December 2021) will seek to understand if draft preferred future character statements are consistent with resident’s perceptions and expectations, and ways they can be improved. Feedback from this stage will be used to determine if additional schedules are required, and any required changes to existing GRZ schedules.

It is anticipated that the second phase of consultation would be via a planning scheme amendment process.

Project impacts

Bayside has not revised its neighbourhood character regulations since 2011. It is important that these regulations are updated to ensure that they continue to encourage the most accurate and desired character in each location. While many features of character may remain the same, it must be acknowledged that Bayside is continually evolving. It is important that the preferred future character of each precinct is kept up to date in the Bayside Planning Scheme.

This is particularly important in growth areas, such as General Residential Zones (GRZs). These areas are mainly located within and around activity centres/shopping precincts and are designed to facilitate moderate growth within areas that are well connected to services, jobs and transport.

The Victorian Government has mandated that all areas in and around Melbourne (not just Bayside) must take their share of our state’s population growth. For Bayside this means an additional 7,500 homes by 2036. Much of this growth will be within General Residential Zones, which cover around 15% of Bayside.

Within General Residential Zones, there can be an obvious contrast in character between older housing stock that was built under a very different planning regulations and more recent additions designed to facilitate moderate growth. Character statements within schedules in the Bayside Planning Scheme will help to address and reduce this contrast.

Please note that the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning expect that neighbourhood character is balanced with the need to accommodate moderate growth. If a proposed planning scheme amendment does not demonstrate this balance, it is unlikely to be approved.

What information do we need from the community?

We want to understand if the draft preferred future character statements are consistent with resident’s perceptions and expectations, and ways they can be improved.

What can the community influence?

  • Preferred future character of each precinct
  • Identification of elements not currently captured in character statements
  • Decision guidelines
    A section of the GRZ schedule that will state exactly what characteristics will be considered by Council when assessing a planning application
  • Preferred future character objectives within draft Schedules
    A schedule is an attachment to the GRZ zone that will outline specific objectives and guidelines for a specific area
  • Selected ResCode controls
    Residential development in Victoria is controlled by residential development provisions and tools. While commonly known as ‘ResCode’ the provisions aren’t a separate document; they’re included in all Victorian planning schemes and the Victorian Building Regulations.

What can't the community influence?

  • Growth requirements of General Residential Zones
    GRZs are strategically selected locations that are most suitable to accommodate the majority of Bayside's growth. This project is to determine the preferred character of new developments. It is not about stopping or restricting development, but rather the built form characteristics that new development is required to respond to
  • Character of areas outside General Residential Zones
  • Existing application of the Heritage Overlay
    While neighbourhood character and heritage can overlap, the Heritage Overlay controls are outside of the scope of GRZ amendments.
  • The location and boundaries of existing underlying residential zones
    These designated areas are strategically justified and addressed through the Bayside Housing Strategy.
  • Height controls
  • Planning scheme amendment process
    This is expected to be undertaken to implement recommendations of the Character Review. This is a legal process Council must go undertake to change content in the Bayside Planning Scheme.
  • Future development
    The protection rof residential character is not intended to stop development. It is intended to ensure future development responds to the preferred future character of the area.
  • Preferred architectural styles
    Preferred architectural styles cannot be encouraged or discouraged over other types of development. Architectural styles are not, of themselves, characteristic of an area. This is a clear consideration, having regard to a ‘respect’ for character not resulting in mimicry or copying.
  • Character of buildings that do not require a planning permit e.g. knockdown-rebuild single dwellings on a lot
    Many knockdown-rebuild developments do not actually trigger a planning permit, therefore are not assessed against character.

Stakeholders and community

This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.

  • Impact: What level of change the stakeholder / community segment may experience as a result of the project / matter
  • Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated
  • Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum

Stakeholder / community




Landowners of property within GRZ zones




Landowners of property adjacent to GRZ zones




General Bayside community (outside of GRZ)




Property Developers




Individuals who want to object to a current planning permit application.




Community resident groups




Environmental interest groups




General community groups




Selected tools and techniques: phase 1

The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content, stakeholders and type of feedback sought.

Key tools for communicating the project
  • Interactive map to enable residents to identify the zoning of their property
  • Addressed letters to property owners / residents in GRZ areas (and adjacent properties)
  • Direct email to key stakeholders and Have Your Say members
  • Council website news stories and weekly e-newsletter
  • Social media, including sponsored posts to increase reach
  • Let’s Talk Bayside (Nov/Dec) magazine sent to every household
  • Digital advertising at Council’s Corporate Centre and Bayside libraries
Key methods for gathering feedback
  • Online engagement through Have Your Say, including interactive map, and opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback
  • Community webinar with Strategic Planning team
  • Drop-in engagement sessions (6) at Bayside libraries
  • Bookable meetings with project team and dedicated project phone line
  • Liaison with community representatives, local interest and/or reference groups
  • Printed survey and consultation materials available upon request

Decision-making process

Feedback from this consultation will be used to set preferred future character objectives and design guidelines for General Residential Zones in the following locations:

  • Church Street Activity Centre
  • Bay Street Activity Centre
  • Martin Street Activity Centre
  • Hampton Street Activity Centre
  • Sandringham Village Activity Centre
  • Pennydale Activity Centre
  • Elsternwick Housing Growth Area
  • Cheltenham Housing Growth Area

Council is expected to consider community feedback and if a planning scheme amendment is required at its February 2022 meeting.

The next step would be to submit a proposed planning scheme amendment to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), which will decide if this amendment can proceed to the public exhibition stage. The public exhibition stage is a 28-day statutory consultation where community members and stakeholders can make a submission that responds to the proposed planning scheme amendment.

Following a second and statutory phase of community consultation, Council will consider community submissions and decide if the amendment(s) will be submitted for Ministerial approval, referred to an independent planning panel, or be abandoned.

If an independent planning panel is established, this would provide an opportunity for people who made a submission during the statutory phase of consultation to be heard and have their submission considered by the independent panel.

The final step is to submit the amendment(s) to the Minister for Planning for incorporation into the Bayside Planning Scheme.

Please note that the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning expect that neighbourhood character is balanced with the need to accommodate moderate growth. If a proposed planning scheme amendment does not demonstrate this balance, it is unlikely to be approved.

More information

Contact Information
Name Strategic Planning
Phone 9599 4441
In writing

76 Royal Avenue,
Sandringham, Victoria, 3191


PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091