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Hampton’s urban forest

Hampton’s established urban forest features a rich park network and avenues of street trees.

Through a precinct plan, we’re aiming to grow the urban forest in Hampton by introducing new indigenous plantings to showcase the beauty of nature within an urban setting.

Within the precinct plan we’ve identified:

    • Ideal locations for priority planting
    • plant species to enhance biodiversity and retain local character
    • ways to support Hampton residents to green their own spaces.

    Read the Hampton Precinct Plan


    • Greening Hampton

      Increasing tree canopy cover to reach 30% and vegetation cover to reach 30% across Hampton by 2040.

    • Biodiverse suburb

      Create a diverse and healthy urban forest that reinforces greater outcomes for biodiversity.

    • Improve monitoring and maintain

      Improve the ability to monitor and track along with maintaining our existing canopy cover and avoid further decline.

    • Encourage residents and private owners

      Learn together, educate each other, encourage and celebrate greater care and protection.



    • Commercial areas

      The Hampton Street Activity Centre is a Major Activity Center that features an array of commercial and retail uses and is within proximity to the foreshore.

      There are also four Small Neighbourhood Activity Centres across Hampton:

      • Bluff Road & Highett Street (Small Neighbourhood Activity Centre)
      • South Road Plaza (Small Neighbourhood Activity Centre)
      • Ludstone Street (Small Neighbourhood Activity Centre)
      • Beach Road & Georgina Street (Small Neighbourhood Activity Centre) (part)
    • Parks and reserves

      Council has identified opportunities through our Park Improvement and Habitat Linkage Plan to provide increased understorey within and surrounding several of our parks and reserves within Bayside. The following areas will be investigated:

      • Picnic Point Foreshore
      • R J Sillitoe Reserve
      • W L Reserve
      • Thomas St Reserve
      • Boss James Reserve
      • Sandringham Athletics Centre/Sandringham Netball Courts
      • Hampton Bowling Club Grounds.
    • Educational land

      Council will work with other State government and non-State government Schools to increase tree and vegetation cover on educational land, and run educational programs to increase awareness around vegetation planting and protection.

      Schools within Hampton include:

      • Hampton Primary School
      • St Mary’s Primary School
      • Haileybury College

    • Roundabouts

      Roundabouts provide opportunities to plant canopy trees and understorey planting where appropriate. New plantings must not affect sight lines, safety or accessibility for larger vehicles. To ensure future planting is appropriate, a Road Safety Audit will be completed before and after installation.

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    Contact us

    (03) 9599 4444

    Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

    PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

    For general enquiries to Bayside Council

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