
23 July Ordinary Meeting of Council

18 July 2019

A report is included in the July Ordinary Meeting of Council Agenda on 23 July 2019. The report is in relation to the Minutes of the Special Committee of Council established to hear submissions in relation to the Intention to Lease North Point Café (2b North Road, Brighton). The Agenda is published on Councils website, please refer to Items 9.1 and 10.2.

A number of key issues were raised in the submissions process which are summarised in the report. Further advice is being sought on the use of the café in a Public Park and Recreation Zone and a further report will be provided to Council in August 2019.

Recommendations to Council:

1. Resolve to terminate the current statutory procedures notifying of an intention to lease North Point Café (2b North Road Brighton) as per Sections 190 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

2. Receive a further report on the intention to lease North Point Café (2b North Road, Brighton) at the August 2019 Ordinary Council meeting.

3. Consider recommending the statutory procedures notifying of an intention to lease North Point Café (2b North Road, Brighton) after receiving the report referred to in paragraph 2 of this Resolution.