
Community shapes North Road Foreshore Masterplan

24 May 2019

Council adopted the North Road Foreshore Masterplan at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 21 May 2019. The draft masterplan was tested through an extensive consultation process and modified to incorporate community feedback.

The North Road Masterplan consultation process was a great example of Council, residents and visitors working together to create a plan that reflects the needs and aspirations of the community.

Following strong resident feedback against the proposed planting of new shade trees along the foreshore, the additional tree planting was removed from the final masterplan. Instead, the existing mix of garden beds and open grass areas will be retained, with existing trees protected and replaced only as needed using similar indigenous species. Other changes to the plan influenced by community feedback include: only low level, bollard lighting to be used; a trial of modifications to the North Road car park; and agreement to revegetate gardens adjoining private properties with appropriate indigenous coastal species.

Recommendations to strengthening the seawall and install additional seating were warmly welcomed. Suggestions to re-locate the dog beach from Sandown Spit to Green Point will be referred to the upcoming Dog Off-leash Feasibility Study.

The final version of the North Road Foreshore Masterplan can be found in the Document Library.