
Final draft North Road Foreshore Masterplan to be considered at Ordinary Council meeting

15 May 2019

The final draft North Road Foreshore Masterplan will be considered at Ordinary Meeting of Council on 21 May 2019.

The draft North Road Foreshore Masterplan has been revised to reflect community feedback. Changes have been made to two keys sections: Vegetation Management and Lighting, as summarised below. The final draft Masterplan will be available on Thursday 16 May along with the Council agenda. You can register to be heard at the Council meeting by completing this form.

Summary of changes

Vegetation Management - Trees

72% of the 72 respondents to this proposal did not support the planting of the 59 additional shade trees on the foreshore as shown on the draft Masterplan. There were numerous written submissions from residents opposed to new tree planting with the majority suggesting that the existing level of tree cover and shade on the foreshore is sufficient and that the impacts on their views far outweighed the benefits of new tree planting.

Recommendation in final draft:

  • Remove all proposed new tree planting from the Masterplan.
  • Amend the Vegetation Management recommendations on Page 14 as follows - Retain the existing mix of garden beds and open grass areas. Protect existing trees and replace only as needed within existing garden bed areas using similar indigenous species.


62% of the 34 respondents to this proposal indicated lighting would increase/improve their use of the Bay Trail with 29% opposed. The Bay Trail is a major recreational commuter path for cyclists and pedestrians. The rate of usage has increased and is forecast to continue to increase with corresponding demands from the community to increase the level of safety and security which is already enjoyed along the rest of the Bay Trail. Continuous public lighting is provided along the trail through City of Port Philip and extension of lighting along the Bay Trail through the North Road foreshore precinct from Head Street through to Middle Brighton Baths will improve visibility, increase safety and will provide additional sustainable travel choices. Some respondents expressed concern about the visual impact on pole lighting on views from adjoining property, potential increase in anti-social behaviour and the general loss of ambience on the foreshore.

Recommendation in final draft:

  • Amend the master plan to remove reference to new pole lighting and use only low level bollard lighting (<1.5m high) along the Bay Trail removing redundant pole mounted fittings in other areas through the precinct where possible.