
Report to Council, 19 November 2019

18 November 2019

Council will consider a report on Tuesday 19 November 2019 on the proposal to grant the current tenant a 21 year lease for the Northpoint café and to extend their operating hours.

On 22 October 2019, the Council heard public submissions in relation to the proposed lease.

At previous meetings, Council has already granted approval for the tenant to apply for a planning permit to demolish and rebuild the Northpoint café and to apply for an extension of their liquor licence.

The second part of Council Officers’ recommendation in the report is to consider a refurbishment of the café should the tenant be unsuccessful in obtaining a planning permit or an extension of their liquor licence.

The public is welcome to attend tomorrow’s Council meeting which is held at the Council Chambers in Boxshall Street, Brighton commencing at 7pm. The meeting is also livestreamed via our website.

To view the council report, visit our website.