
The next phase of consultation on Bayside’s draft Parking Strategy

16 November 2022

Providing car parking to meet the demands of all road users is one of Council’s biggest challenges.

We began the process of developing a draft Parking Strategy with a community engagement process to better understand our community’s parking needs and priorities, and how we can encourage the use of sustainable transport.

More than 700 community members participated in the first phase of consultation primarily via an online survey (665), via email or social media, or through key stakeholder group meetings, including Council’s Healthy Ageing Reference Group and Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee. We also spoke to more than 700 community members at eight face-to-face sessions across Bayside.

Read a summary of what our community told us

Next steps

The draft Parking Strategy will be presented to Council alongside your feedback in a community engagement report at the November Council Meeting on Tuesday 22 November.

Following this, the draft Parking Strategy will be open for your feedback via our Have Your Say platform. The second phase of community engagement will be open from 24 November to 22 December 2022. The draft Parking Strategy will then be revised in response to the second phase of community engagement, as required, before being presented as a proposed Parking Strategy to a Council Meeting for adoption.

As a project subscriber, we’ll send you an email to notify you as soon as consultation opens.

Council meeting 6.30pm, 22 November