
Parking Strategy to be considered by Council

20 June 2023

We’ve now undertaken two phases of community engagement on parking, and heard from around 1,700 community members via survey, meetings, face to face conversations, and social media. We’ve also engaged with the Bayside Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee and the Healthy Ageing Reference Group to ensure sufficient parking opportunities are available for those who need it most.

We listened to feedback from the community and made some changes to the proposed Parking Strategy, such as adding more context to the parking hierarchy, which guides the allocation of parking spaces where competing demands exist, and bolstering ways we can encourage the uptake of sustainable transport options, such as facilitating more electric vehicle charging stations and installing more bike parking stations.

With strong support for an audit and review of the location and design of on- and off-street publicly provided parking spaces for community members with a disability, we plan to make this a priority year 1 action of the ten-year strategy. To help older community members access community centres, we’re also planning to provide dedicated parking permits for centre visitors.

Next steps

The draft Parking Strategy will be presented to Council for adoption at its June meeting, alongside your feedback in a community engagement report.

Council meeting

Tuesday 27 June 2023 06:30 pm

Council Chamber Civic Centre Boxshall Street Brighton