
Road Management Plan to be considered by Council

9 August 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in our community engagement on the Road Management Plan targeted review.

Between 29 June to 1 July 2023, we received a total of 98 unique contributions on our draft Road Management Plan. Contributions included 95 online surveys, two Q&A forum contributions and one email contribution.

Support and a few concerns:

There was strong support recorded for introducing a range of treatment options, to fix defects in concrete footpaths and kerb and channels (86.8% supported) and for increasing the width of footpaths (where possible) to achieve minimum compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (79% supported).

Concerns were raised by some respondents, regarding extending the laneway condition assessment frequency. Respondents were mostly opposed (59%) to extending the condition assessment frequency for laneways from once every four years to once every six years.

What we’re doing:

Based on the feedback received, the plan has been amended to reflect the community sentiment regarding laneway condition assessments. The revised plan will keep the laneway condition assessment frequency at once every four years. The plan will be presented to Council with a recommendation that Council adopts the Road Management Plan 2023.

Find out more about the community engagement results


Next steps:

Council will consider community feedback and the draft Road Management Plan for adoption at the 15 August 2023 Council meeting.

Council meeting, Tuesday 15 August, 6.30pm