
Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre lease to be considered by Council

13 July 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in our community engagement on the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre lease.

Between 17 May to 14 June 2023*, we received a total of 124 contributions on our proposal to grant a 20-year lease to Future Recycling Pty Ltd to operate the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre.

Contributions included 122 online surveys completed via Have Your Say and 2 email contributions provided by contacting the Project Officer.

*The initial timeline for consultation was 17 May to 28 May 2023. Consultation closed on 28 May 2023 and was reopened on 31 May 2023 for a further 15 days. The consultation period was extended as the project had been deferred to the 18 July 2023 Council meeting.

Support and a few concerns:

There was a high level of support recorded for the following specific lease terms:

  • Council to grant Future Recycling Pty Ltd a 20-year lease to upgrade and operate the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre (59.8% supported).
  • Proposed rental terms including a 5-year rent free period (55% supported)
  • Future Recycling Pty Ltd’s proposed upgrade of the site (73% supported).

Participants were generally supportive of the lease proposal overall, with 58.2% of participants strongly supporting or mostly supporting the lease it its entirety.

Concerns were raised by a some (34.4%) respondents, regarding the lease terms and the service offering. Common concerns included the length of the lease, the five-year rent-free period, the price to recycle materials and the fees for cardboard recycling.

What we’re doing:

Based on the level of community support received for the lease proposal, the proposed lease will be presented to Council with a recommendation that Council approves the lease to Future Recycling Pty Ltd for the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre in accordance with the proposal that underwent community consultation.

Find out more about the community engagement results


Next steps:

Council will consider community feedback and the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre lease proposal at the 18 July 2023 Council meeting.

Council meeting, Tuesday 18 July, 6.30pm