Bayside’s Annual Budget 2021-22

Council has adopted an Annual Budget 2021–22 at its 29 June 2021 meeting, following consideration of community feedback.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the community consultation on the Budget. You can read a summary of community feedback here.

Each year, Council develops an annual budget that outlines how we will fund the delivery of projects, programs, and more than 100 different services to our community.

This year’s proposed $157 million budget reflects the priorities and aspirations of our community and new Council, as articulated in the Bayside 2050 Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025.

The proposed Annual Budget 2021-22 puts shovels in the ground to deliver on key legacy projects in recreation infrastructure and signals a shift in investment focus to acting on climate change, protecting the environment and embracing sustainability.

Alongside significant capital investment of $73.9 million, Council will continue supporting our community through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This includes initiating social reconnection, local economy and event programs to stimulate recovery, and maintaining strong services to support the most vulnerable members of our community.

A 1.5% rate increase is included in the proposed Budget to continue Council’s investment in community infrastructure and services. The waste service charge incorporating kerbside collection and recycling will increase by 7.8%, driven by an increase in the State Government Landfill levy and recycling costs. This means the average ratepayer's bill will increase by $53.

Budget at a glance

  • $50.9 million on buildings
  • $6.9 million on Bayside's foreshore, parks, open space and streetscapes
  • $6 million for roads
  • $2.1 million for foreshores and conservation
  • $2.7 million for footpaths and bicycle ways
  • $2.5 million on drainage

Have your say

Community consultation on the proposed Budget closed at 5pm 2 June 2021.
  • Provide your feedback

    Consultation closed at 5pm 2 June 2021

Delivering the first year of the new Council Plan

Click on the links below to see key actions we’re funding over the next 12 months under the four goals of the Council Plan 2021-2025.

Major Initiatives

  • Implement the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve masterplan $797,250
  • Implement Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan $100,000
  • Develop and implement the Urban Forest Strategy
  • Develop a Park Improvement and Habitat Linkage Plan $45,000


  • Increase by four the number of Council Fleet electric vehicles as current vehicles are renewed
  • Complete an annual review of and implement the Biodiversity Action Plan $300,000
  • Continue the collaborative procurement processes for an advanced waste processing facility in the South East of Melbourne

Artist's render of the Chain of Ponds in Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve

Major Initiatives

  • Develop and adopt a new Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • Review Phase 1 and develop Phase 2 of the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan $76,000
  • Implement the new Affordable Housing Strategy


  • Facilitate the COVID-19 community recovery package in partnership with traders to deliver events and programs to support and promote the local economy $120,000
  • Implement the graffiti initiatives identified in the joint Inner South Metropolitan Mayors Forum
  • Functional brief and governance model for the design of the Hampton Hub $100,000

Major Initiatives

  • Bayside Netball Centre $15.05 million
  • Dendy Street Beach Pavilion construction $7.1 million
  • Tulip Street Basketball Court extension $6.9 million
  • Warm Water Pool location feasibility and design works $131,000
  • Wangara Road Park masterplan design $70,000
  • Beaumaris Arts Centre design works $194,000
  • Heritage Review implementation


  • Playground Improvement Plan implementation $1.325 million
  • Equipment for older adults in playground upgrades $209,803
  • Develop a framework to audit and identify open space opportunities within major activity centres $50,000
  • Highett Grassy Woodland masterplan development, site investigation, and fencing $240,861
  • Integrated Transport Strategy implementation
  • Development of a new Bayside Parking Strategy
  • Expand the network of public electric vehicle charging stations $213,160
  • Asset Management Plan
  • Domestic Animal Management Plan

Artist's render of the Dendy Street Beach Pavilion

Major Initiatives

  • Deliver the Annual Budget and the Council Plan
  • Develop and deliver the advocacy program on Council's priorities in addressing the climate emergency, a connected sustainable city, and inclusion and accessibility for all.
  • Adopt the 10-year Financial Plan


  • Establish a framework for gender equality impact assessments

The 2020–24 Bayside City Council