
Bayside budget adopted

29 June 2022

We have adopted the 2022-23 budget that focuses on protecting our environment, creating a strong connection to community life and making Bayside a more sustainable, liveable and inclusive place for all.

It is the second budget of the four-year Council Plan and aligns with the aspirations of the community as articulated in the Bayside 2050 Community Vision.

Bayside Mayor, Cr Alex del Porto said this budget lays a strong foundation for the continuing roll out of projects, services and initiatives that make up the fabric of Bayside’s community.

"The $155.6 million budget will deliver on the key actions outlined in our Council Plan and reflects our focus on our planet, our people, our place and our promise,” Cr del Porto said.

“Alongside a significant $69.5 million capital investment in community infrastructure, we’ll continue to provide important core services including expanding our aged care delivery, maternal and child health services, planning services, waste collection, parks and gardens maintenance, library services, maintaining valued community facilities and more.”

The 2022-23 budget invests into key legacy projects with $4.13 million allocated to the Dendy Street Beach Pavilion construction, $1.016 million to the Beaumaris Arts Studio as well as $6.3 million for Tulip Street Basketball Courts.

This budget will see works continue at Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve as part of the 10 year masterplan with $5.3 million for the wetlands project as well as $5.5 million for design and construction of the Elsternwick Park gateway building over the four year capital program.

Rates and charges

Bayside rates will rise by 1.75% in 2022-23 in line with the Victorian Government’s rate cap.

“In Bayside, 73% of Council’s income comes through rates and this revenue is essential for Council’s continued investment in community infrastructure and to provide services for our community,” Cr del Porto said.

“The decision to increase rates is never taken lightly and any ratepayer experiencing financial hardship can contact us to discuss the payment options.”

The 2022-23 budget sees the waste service charge increase by 13.8% or $48 for a 140L household bin service. This is driven by an increase in the Victorian Government’s landfill levy, as well as the current economic reality of increasing costs for collection, processing, transportation and disposal of waste.

Increasing waste costs are passed directly onto ratepayers in accordance with Council’s policy of direct cost recovery.

Capital investment

In 2022-23, we will focus on the provision of core infrastructure updates with an investment in the capital budget of $69.5 million including:

  • $43.7 million on buildings
  • $4.4 million on roads
  • $2.8 million on footpaths and bicycle ways
  • $4.8 million on drainage
  • $4.6 million on parks, open space and streetscapes
  • $2.7 million on foreshores and conservation.

Budget Highlights

Our Planet – leading better, smarter and sustainable futures

  • Climate Emergency Action Plan implementation $100k
  • Urban Forest Strategy implementation $508K
  • Develop and implement Park Improvement and Habitat Linkage Plan $65K
  • Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Wetlands $545K

Our People – nurturing all people and thriving healthy communities

  • Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan $98K
  • Affordable Housing Strategy

Our Place – fostering Bayside’s liveability, open spaces and exceptional places

  • Dendy Street Beach Pavilion $4.1 million
  • Beaumaris Arts Studio $1.016 million
  • Highett Grassy Woodland Masterplan development (CSIRO site) $114,000
  • Inter War and Post War heritage study review $100,000
  • Tulip Street Basketball Courts $6.3 million

Our Promise – promising open and accountable civic leadership

  • Annual Budget development and implementation
  • Annual Action Plan development and implementation