This paragraph ;

Think long term,

not now or

2 years,

30 years time,

slow change.

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You have 300 characters left.
You have 300 characters left.
You have 300 characters left.

Below we have a list of priority areas we have identified. Choose 5 and drag them over to the box on the right.Then out them in your preferred order.

  1. Waste and recycling demand #
  2. Car parking facilities and policies #
  3. Water management and drainage – storms, drought etc #
  4. Dementia-friendly city #
  5. Tree and vegetation protection #
You have 300 characters left.

Tell us a bit more about yourself

I identify as: Required
Which of the following best describes your household type? Required
Age Group Required
What is your primary connection to Bayside? Required
Suburb you most identify with Required

This could be where you live, visit or work.

Do you speak a language other than English at home? Required
You have 255 characters left.
Do you identify as a person living with a disability Required
Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.