
Bayside Netball Centre planning application submitted

6 December 2019

The planning application for the proposed Bayside Netball Centre has now been advertised. The plans support the first stage of development and provision for future expansion (stage 2) at the former site of the Sandringham Golf Driving Range in Wangara Road.

As we are approaching the holiday season, the advertising period has been extended to ensure residents and interested members of the community have opportunity to make a formal submission to this process. Submissions close on 16 January 2020.

Stage 1 of the development will include two indoor courts with associated amenities, nine outdoor courts with floodlighting, player’s shelters, car parking and landscaping. Stage 2 provides allowance for one additional indoor court and six additional outdoor courts.

The new facilities will meet the current and future needs of netball locally and enable the netball association to expand its programs. This includes developing the All Abilities program, increasing participation opportunities for boys, and helping service other sports as well as local schools.

To view the planning application

Should you have interest in the proposal, plans and supporting documentation can be viewed via Council’s website at:

If you wish to make a submission to the application you must do so in writing via:

  • A letter that clearly states your concerns including your contact information;
  • A formal objection form (available at the statutory planning department), or

Proposed building design