
Update on Bayside Netball Centre

12 February 2021

A report regarding Bayside’s netball centre proposal is included in the Ordinary Meeting of Council Agenda on 16 February 2021. The report provides an update on the project including an overview of the findings from the community engagement process and a broader update for the proposed development of sports facilities (Netball and sportsground) at Sandringham College – Holloway Road.

Following community consultation, Council has made some revisions to the traffic management plan prepared for the area and updated the site context plan.

The report will detail what actions will be taken in the revised design of the future community sporting facilities to mitigate the impact of peak car parking demand, noise pollution and light spill on nearby residents.

The report also details the revised hours of netball usage that strike the balance between netball and local residential amenity and details the next steps proposed for the new six-hectare open space at the previous driving range site on Wangara Road.

Recommendation to Council:

  1. endorses the Design for community sporting facilities at Sandringham Secondary College;
  2. allocates a revised budget of $17,050,000 for the netball project Bayside City Council Ordinary Council Meeting - 16 February 2021 Item 10.1 – Reports by the Organisation Page 15 of 18;
  3. subject to successfully negotiating reasonable school hours access to the two indoor courts, allocates $1,000,000 for the covered outdoor court facility;
  4. endorses the Traffic Management Plan – including Stage 2 of additional car parking at Wangara Road (previous Driving Range) subject to EPA Audit outcomes;
  5. as is reasonably practicable, implements the recommendations of the pending Acoustic Report previously commissioned by Council;
  6. seeks to finalise as soon as practicably possible, the proposed Community Joint Usage Agreement for community access to sporting facilities at Sandringham College, Holloway Road Campus;
  7. authorises the CEO to sign a Community Joint Use Agreement for community access to sporting facilities at Sandringham College, Holloway Road Campus;
  8. authorises the payment of subsequent contributions towards the netball project as required of Council;
  9. provides the Sandringham District Netball Association with a License for community use of the indoor and outdoor netball courts subject to the terms of the final CJUA and within the following hours (noting lighting of outdoor courts will be left on for up to 30 minutes after prescribed finish times to allow for pack-up, cleaning, etc)
  10. subject to the outcomes of the current EPA Audit, commences a master planning process for a new open space at the Wangara Road (Driving Range) site
  11. upon commencement of construction of the community sporting facilities at Sandringham College, commences a planning process for the repurposing of the current Thomas Street netball site.
  12. The Council Meeting details are as follows:


16 February 2021


Watch the meeting online at:


Meeting commences at 6:30pm**

The Council agenda is published here, the report is item 10.1 on page 19.

Council is closely monitoring the State Government’s directives in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to density and distancing requirements for indoor public spaces, temporary meeting procedures remain in effect whereby Council and Committee meetings will be held without members of the public present; however, meetings will be live-streamed via Council’s website.

This protocol will continue to be reviewed in line with changing restrictions and government advice.

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**correction to the the hardcopy letter that has been circulated to residents living nearby the Holloway Road site with the incorrect meeting time listed as 5pm. We apologise for any confusion.