Update on Bayside Netball Centre
15 October 2021
An update on items from the 25 February 2021 Council meeting resolution is below.
Click the plus button to see the response to each item in bold text.
Endorses the Design, Attachment 5, for community sporting facilities at Sandringham Secondary College.
The final design of Council’s two indoor and nine outdoor courts, sports oval and car park is in line with the design endorsed by Council and set out as Attachment 5 in the 25 February Council Report.
Notes the approved budget previously allocated in Council’s four year capital program for the Bayside Netball Centre of $24.6 million be reduced to $18.050 million with the budget to be phased in accordance with the payment schedule as it relates to the VSBA contributions for netball facilities at Holloway Road. That the $3 million required to be paid in 2020–21 in accordance with the VSBA agreement be funded from the approved budget of $18.050 million
The final design has been value-managed, and a final Quantity Surveyor report costs the project within the endorsed Council budget of $18.05 million.
Endorses the Traffic Management Plan – including Stage 2 of additional car parking at Wangara Road (previous Driving Range) subject to EPA Audit outcomes, including the provision of parking for the Sandy Mini Golf facility.
Council will implement the Traffic Management Plan as endorsed by Council and will consider the provision of additional car parking at Wangara Road (previous Driving Range) as part of the endorsed master planning process for this site and the preparation of Council’s 2022/23 Budget.
Implements the following recommendations to mitigate the impact of noise from the site:
a) employs a combination of noise limiter installation, selection of PA loudspeaker type, and strategic location of loudspeakers to achieve the design criteria at all effected residential receivers
Directional loudspeakers have been strategically located to point away from the adjacent Bay Road apartments.
b) maintains sole and secure control of the volume of elements being broadcast through the PA and siren system ensuring it is effective for venue and match control while also minimising impact on nearby residents
The PA control system volume will be set by Council and locked from access by other parties including the SDNA and School.
c) Includes a condition in the usage License requiring the use of the quietest whistle possible that aligns with Netball Victoria's National Umpire Framework
The SDNA and Netball Victoria are aware of and have agreed to this condition being included in the subsequent License Agreement.
d) Explores an option to include a noise barrier on the south of the project site adjacent to Holloway Road
This option was considered during preliminary design discussions, however, was considered unfeasible due to costs and space impacts and likely minimal positive benefits for sound reduction.
e) Develops a landscape plan that optimises planting to provide a barrier between the outdoor courts and the Bay Road apartmentsA landscape plan has been developed in line with this resolution and subject to any Melbourne Water easement conditions, indigenous canopy trees will be planted in the area adjacent to the Bay Road apartments
f) other than the five Additional Use Days, restricts starting times on indoor and outdoor courts to 9:00am
The SDNA are aware of and have agreed to this condition being included in the subsequent License Agreement.
g) restricts weekday finishing times on the outdoor courts at 8:00pm
The SDNA are aware of and have agreed to this condition being included in the subsequent License Agreement.
Seeks to finalise the proposed Community Joint Usage Agreement for community access to the sporting facilities at Sandringham College, Holloway Road campus.
The project still requires the finalisation of a Community Joint Use Agreement based on the Department of Education and Training’s standard template. This is presently in discussion between the Council, the VSBA and the School.
Explores with the Victorian School Building Authority and Sandringham College an opportunity to include a path, track and/or easement along the eastern boundary of the site providing pedestrian connection between the Bay Road Heathland Sanctuary and Wangara Road
The proposed path, track and/or easement along the eastern boundary of the site was considered during the design development process. To adhere to strict child safety regulations for school sites, any path or easement would be required to be excluded from the adjacent school site by a minimum 1.8 metre high fence.
The installation of this fence and the creation of a path would have required significant vegetation removal and reduced the size of the sports oval making it redundant for senior cricket matches (a key outcome for Council and the East Sandringham Cricket Club). As such, the creation of the proposed easement was considered not feasible and has not been included in the final design.
Subject to successfully negotiating reasonable school hours access to the two indoor courts, allocates $1,000,000 for the covered outdoor court facility at Holloway Road.
Having successfully negotiated reasonable school hours access to the two indoor courts as prescribed in the Community Joint Usage Agreement (subject to final CJUA sign-off), a covered court facility on the court adjacent to the eastern wall of the indoor courts has been included in the final design. This covered outdoor court is costed within Council’s endorsed $18.05 million budget.
Authorises the CEO to sign a Community Joint Use Agreement for community access to sporting facilities at Sandringham College, Holloway Road campus
Once Council, the VSBA and the School Council complete negotiations, Council’s Chief Executive Officer will sign a Community Joint Usage Agreement for community access to indoor and outdoor courts and the sports oval at Sandringham College, Holloway Road Campus.
Authorises the payment of subsequent contributions towards the netball project as required of Council
Council has made two payments to the VSBA totalling $3,000,000 towards the cost of the community sports facility project. These payments include:
- $750,000 – paid following signing of the Development Agreement between Council and the Minister for Education.
- $2,250,000 – paid following advice the Project Control Group had endorsed the Design Development Package.
Council will make a final payment of $15,000,000 to the VSBA once the minister notifies Council that a preferred contractor has been identified for the community sports facility works.
Provides the Sandringham District Netball Association with a License for community use of the indoor and outdoor netball courts subject to the terms of the final CJUA and within the following hours (noting lighting of outdoor courts will be left on for up to 30 minutes after prescribed finish times (to allow for pack-up, cleaning, etc):
The court usage hours as endorsed by Council will be included in a subsequent License Agreement between Council and the SDNA. The outdoor court lighting system includes a timing device that will automatically turn off court lighting no later than 30 minutes after the prescribed times as endorsed by Council.
Reconfirms the unique conservation status of the Bay Road Heathland Sanctuary and its commitment to protecting and enhancing the biodiversity and ecological value of the Sanctuary and as is practicable, implements the recommendations of the pending Environmental Impact Report commissioned by Council
The finalisation of the Environmental Impact Report has been delayed due to the impacts of Covid restrictions and lockdown impacts on Council’s appointed consultant. However, Council remains committed to work with the Friends of Bay Road Heathland Sanctuary to implement (as is practicable) the recommendations of the final Environmental Impact Report.
Ensures the landscape plan for the Holloway Road site includes indigenous plants and trees sourced from the Bayside Community Nursery.
The landscape plan has been developed with indigenous plants and trees that subject to availability will be sourced from the Bayside Community Nursery. It is possible that some indigenous trees may be sourced from other nurseries in order to secure more mature tree specimens.
Subject to the outcomes of the current EPA Audit, commences a master planning process for a new open space at the Wangara Road (Driving Range) site, including consultation with Sandy Mini Golf as a key stakeholder of the site
Council’s Open Space team will commence the master planning of the previous Driving Range site later in 2021/22. This process will include a comprehensive communication and engagement plan and consultation directly with the Sandy Mini Golf operators.
Upon commencement of construction of the community sporting facilities at Sandringham College, commences a planning process for the repurposing of the current Thomas Street netball site.
Council’s Open Space team will lead this process and funding of the master plan process for the Thomas Street netball site will be considered as part of the preparation of Council’s 2022/23 Budget process. If funded, this process will commence in the second half of 2022, noting the site will continue to be used for netball until mid-2023.