
Update from Council’s 22 December 2020 meeting

30 December 2020

At its meeting on 22 December 2020, Council received a report in response to a petition requesting that Council place on hold plans for redevelopment of the Bayside Netball Centre in Holloway Road, Sandringham, pending consultation with residents.

The report also provided a progress update on the design development, traffic management plan and public consultation which closed on 23 December 2020. It was resolved:

That Council:

1. reaffirms its support for the proposed netball development at Sandringham College, Holloway Road campus

2. uses its best endeavours to minimise impacts on residents

3. receives a report at a future meeting of Council that:

a. details the issues addressed arising from community and stakeholder consultation

b. details how the proposal will respond to limiting noise and light spill from the site

c. details how the proposal will mitigate impacts on the Bay Road Reserve Heathland and implement initiatives to minimise impacts on wildlife e.g. reduced UV lighting types

d. presents a final schematic design and project costings

e. presents a Community Joint Use Agreement for its consideration.

You can read the report on Council’s agenda (item 10.1) and review the minutes of the meeting. You can also watch a recording of the Council meeting.