
Council to consider adoption of Property Strategy

22 June 2022

In April – May 2022, we asked our community to review and provide feedback on Bayside’s draft Property Strategy, and tell us their level of support for proposed objectives and actions.

More than 400 people visited the project website, and we received 9 survey contributions.

Participants told us that:

When asked to rank approaches to the management and creation of new open space in Bayside, most respondents felt prioritising the creation of open space through the public realm (e.g. through road and public space conversions) was the best approach. Least popular was partnering with third parties, such as developers.

Respondents were also asked to indicate their agreement with each of the actions outlined in the Property Strategy on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. On balance, respondents were overwhelmingly supportive of the draft Property Strategy objectives, with respondents commenting that the Strategy seemed comprehensive.

Next steps

Council will consider community feedback and a proposed Property Strategy at is its meeting on 28 June 2022.

Council meeting

​Council Chamber Civic Centre Boxshall Street Brighton