
August car park and footpath works

7 August 2019

Asphalt works now on Wednesday 14 August
Due to the wet weather forecast this week, we have had to postpone the asphalt works that were scheduled for the 8th and 9th of August.

Bayside City Council’s contractor, Balmain & Co, will now prepare the southern side of the central car park on Tuesday 13 August (pm) and complete the asphalt works Wednesday 14 August 2019 (weather permitting).

To assist the contractor and ensure successful completion of works, please don’t park vehicles in the central car park, on these days.

South Concourse works to commence Monday 19 August
A two week program to complete footpath and crossing work in the South Concourse will commence on Monday 19 August. More detail will be provided in the next Trader Update.