
Concourse works will roll on

28 June 2019

Council have considered a report at the 25 June 2019 Council meeting in response to a Notice of Motion (NOM) from 21 May 2019. The NOM sought to respond to community concerns from some members of the public in relation to the asphalt being installed in the footpaths to replace the red brick as part of the Beaumaris Concourse upgrade and advocacy from some community members to remove the path and granitic sand under seats in the concourse green.

After considering the report, the recommendations that Council have supported are the following

  • Continue with plans to implement the mixed asphalt and exposed aggregate treatment to the footpaths, as per the endorsed Masterplan.
  • Remove the use of granitic sand within the Concourse Village Green.

Work within the Concourse will re-commence shortly and as a result of the above actions there will be changes to the scope of the work being conducted within the Village Green. Works are expected to be completed in mid-November, weather permitting.

We will keep updating the project page as work progresses.

For more information on the Notice of Motion please visit Bayside City Council's website.