
Latest news on works at Beaumaris Concourse - May 31 2019

31 May 2019

Suspension of works due to NBN overlap

The Beaumaris Concourse streetscape works have been temporarily suspended. The NBN rollout has moved into the Concourse and presents a significant hurdle for Council to navigate in coordinating our construction schedules with the NBN authority as well as organising the significant amount of contractors that will be involved in both projects. The decision was made to allow for NBN to complete their aspect of works and enable Council to proceed with the streetscape upgrades unimpeded and achieve a consistent, safe and uniform finish to the Concourse. As it currently stands the works are expected to resume in mid-June.

Notice of Motion by Council

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 21 May, Council supported a Notice of Motion to review the design materials being implemented at the Concourse and have requested a report to Council be prepared on the feasibility of changes to elements of the design for the upgrades to the Concourse Streetscape. This is in response to the community raising concerns of the materials used within construction of the project and the finished appearance of the Concourse.

The report will consider the implications of costing and timing that any changes will have on the project. Due to the NBN delay, this will not have an impact on when works resume but may have an impact on the project completion times.

The report will be considered at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 25 June. The key recommendations in the report will be shared as soon as they become available.

For more information on the Notice of Motion please visit Bayside City Council's website.