
Beaumaris Reserve Sports Pavilion External Design

17 March 2020

Council is renewing the Beaumaris Reserve Sports Pavilion, you are invited to view the external design and proposed siting of the proposed sports pavilion and ask questions of staff regarding the renewal.

The sports pavilion has been designed to meet the standards specified in Council’s Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan and will include umpires and changeroom facilities that provide access for all genders. The pavilion will also include first aid facilities, kiosk, storage areas for allocated user groups and an entry foyer, that provides a sheltered area to collect participants after training and competition.

The pavilion has been designed to address the climate emergency and will feature solar panels, north facing windows to maximise use of natural light for heating during the winter months, electric appliances and water heating systems to reduce future reliance on natural gas, sensor lighting and the inclusion of water tanks to utilise storm water for toilets.

Other features of the design include realignment of car parking within the reserve to ensure no loss of spaces, inclusion of a sealed accessible car park at the entry to the sports pavilion and a path network will connect all buildings within the precinct.

The planning of the proposed pavilion carefully managed the protection of vegetation at the reserve, nevertheless it will require the removal of three trees and will require the relocation of the sportsground lighting mast located closest to the cricket nets.

To ensure the reserve maintains its natural leafy environment landscaping of the site has been included as part of the pavilion renewal.

This project does not include any works associated with the Beaumaris Arts Group Studio.

In the interest of our community’s health and safety we have made the decision to cancel the drop in sessions that were scheduled to take place.

You can contact the project team directly for more information or ask your question through the project page on Have Your Say.

Update from February Council meeting

At the 18 February 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council it was resolved that Council:

  1. Does not excise the Frank Reade Pavilion from the draft heritage citation for the
  2. Does not proceed with demolition of the Arts Group Building; Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre, and immediately proceeds with the design process and construction for the new building in a manner that is sympathetic with the broader precinct with the planning application to be submitted in March 2020;
  3. Undertakes an assessment of the Arts Group Building to understand the potential heritage significance of the building;
  4. Proceeds with a new design for the Arts Group Building, that is sympathetic to any identified heritage characteristics of the building and the precinct, and considers the protection of significant elements identified, whilst providing a facility that is fit for purpose and meets future user group needs;
  5. Undertakes a review of the landscape elements of the reserve in the area adjacent to the Arts Group Building, the sports pavilion and the village green; and
  6. Receives a further report on the potential heritage listing of the Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre following the completion of the heritage assessment of the Arts Group Building.