
Correction - Outcome from Council Meeting 18 February 2020

21 February 2020

Assessment of the potential Heritage significance of the Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre

At its Ordinary Meeting of Tuesday 18 February 2020, Council received a report in relation to the current projects to redevelop the Pavilion and Arts Group Buildings at the Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre. Council also considered the potential heritage significance of these buildings at its meeting and resolved the following:

That Council:

  • Does not excise the Frank Reade Pavilion from the draft heritage citation for the Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre, and immediately proceeds with the design process and construction for the new building in a manner that is sympathetic with the broader precinct with the planning application to be submitted in March 2020.
  • Does not proceed with demolition of the Arts Group Building.
  • Undertakes an assessment of the Arts Group Building to understand the potential heritage significance of the building.
  • Proceeds with a new design for the Arts Group Building, that is sympathetic to any identified heritage characteristics of the building and the precinct, and considers the protection of significant elements identified, whilst providing a facility that is fit for purpose and meets future user group needs.
  • Undertakes a review of the landscape elements of the reserve in the area adjacent to the Arts Group Building, the sports pavilion and the village green.
  • Receives a further report on the potential heritage listing of the Beaumaris Memorial Community Centre following the completion of the heritage assessment of the Arts Group Building.

Council officers will now assess the Arts Group Building to understand the potential heritage significance of the building. Should you have any further queries regarding Council’s resolution, please contact Rachael Hudson, Strategic Planner by email or phone 9599 4368.