
What you told us about community engagement

10 December 2020

A big thank you to every one of the 241 people who took part in our survey on community engagement in October/November 2021. Your feedback has helped us to better understand how our community want us to deliver community engagement and what needs to be included in our new draft Community and Stakeholder Engagement Policy 2021.

We received feedback in a variety of ways, including an open survey on our Have Your Say website; a printed survey distributed through Bayside libraries; a targeted online survey for young people; and workshops with groups that represent hard-to-reach communities.

Feedback from the first stage of community consultation has been analysed and a report on the results is available to view here. On this page, we’ve highlighted how your feedback has led to substantial changes to our draft Policy and the way we’ll achieve the Local Government Act 2020 principles of engagement.

Consultation is now open until 10 January 2021 to give your feedback on our draft Community and Stakeholder Engagement Policy 2021. As a participant in the first stage of consultation, we’d really appreciate you reading the draft Policy and telling us if you think we’ve got it right.

Find out more at