
Council Plan Panel off to a great start

28 April 2021

In February 2021, invitations were sent to 10,0000 randomly selected household across Bayside. Over 200 people applied to be part of the Community Panel to deliberate the draft Council Plan 2021 – 2025 and ensure that is aligned with the Bayside 2050 Community Vision.

Demographic targets were set to ensure that the Panel was broadly representative of the Bayside community. 40 people were chosen with a diverse mix of ages; geographic locations; residents vs businesses; gender; and other key demographic characteristics.

The Bayside City Council Community Panel met for the first time on Monday 19 April. The randomly selected 40-member Panel is enthusiastic, positive and excited to be chosen to represent their community to help decide Council’s priorities for the next four years.

MosaicLab facilitator, Keith Greaves, asked for their feedback after the session. Watch video

Thank you to those of you who provided feedback via our online survey via this platform. Your feedback has been collated and presented to the Panel as part of their deliberations on the draft Council Plan 2021 - 2025. A copy of the Community engagement summary report is here and has been uploaded to the Document library on the Council Plan website page.