
It’s a wrap for the Council Plan and Financial Plan

15 July 2021

Deliberative engagement for the new Council Plan was challenging, exciting and full on, sometimes all at the same time.Read a succinct summary by the independent consultants in the Community Panel Process Report here.

Five online sessions of up to four hours at a time was a big ask for Panel members but they were diligent and passionate about their roles and responsibilities. The 31 Panel members for the Council and Financial Plans now have a greater understanding and appreciation of Council operations and the complex decisions made on behalf of our community.

The 79% acceptance rating of both the Council Plan and Financial Plan was gratifying and the insightful feedback from the Panel improved the final documents and will inform the annual action plan to deliver these strategic plans. The Panel’s feedback on both the Council Plan and the Financial Plan has been collated and presented to Councillors.

The draft Plans will be presented to the Council meeting on 20 July. The Agenda will be published on our website on Thursday 15 July. The meeting is broadcast live from our website and you are welcome to watch via this link.You are able to lodge a written statement about the matter. See more details here.

Watch a collection of some of the feedback from our Panel in the video here.