
Planning for Bayside's future

10 August 2021

Bayside City Council has laid the ground work for Bayside’s future with the adoption of the Council Plan 2021–2025 at the July Council meeting.

The new four-year Council plan is aligned to the aspirations of the new Council and community as articulated in the Bayside 2050 Community Vision- a vision to make Bayside a more sustainable, liveable and inclusive place for all.

Mayor Cr Laurence Evans OAM said the Council Plan is a roadmap for how Council will work with residents over the next four years to achieve the community’s longer term aspirations for the future.

“The Bayside 2050 Community Vision tells us that the community wants us to focus on leading the way as a diverse, healthy and liveable place,” Cr Evans said.

“Bayside is a kind, connected and forward-thinking community; a community that expects us to lead and influence change on the big issues that affect all of us.”

“This includes our shared responsibility to care for and protect the vitality, diversity, beauty and the community of life of Bayside for current and future Baysiders.”

The Council Plan is divided into four key goal areas of focus for council: Our Planet, Our People, Our Place, Our Promise.

“We will deliver on our goals by focusing on a range of priorities, programs and capital investment in the next four years,” Cr Evans said.

Council also adopted the 2021–22 to 2030–31 Financial Plan. The ten-year Financial Plan is a key financial planning document that contains a series of financial strategies and accompanying performance indicators.

“Prudent financial management over time has placed us in a strong financial position with zero debt which means we are well placed to deliver on this Council Plan,” Cr Evans said.

Both the Council Plan 2021–2025 and 2021–22 to 2030–31 Financial Plan were delivered in line with the Local Government Act 2020 requirements.

Read the Council Plan 2021–2025

View Plans and Strategies

Council Plan highlights

The Council Plan 2021–2025 commits Council to action in four key areas over the next 12 months:

1. Our Planet – leading better, smarter and sustainable futures

• Implement Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan
• Adopt and implement the Urban Forest Strategy
• Develop and implement Council’s Park Improvement and Habitat Linkage Plan
• Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve (Stage 1 Chain of Ponds; Stage 3 Wetlands)

2. Our People – nurturing all people and thriving healthy communities

• Develop, adopt and implement new Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
• Develop, adopt and implement the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
• Develop, adopt and implement the new Affordable Housing Strategy

3. Our Place – fostering Bayside’s liveability, open space and exceptional places

• Bayside Netball Centre
• Dendy Street Beach Pavilion construction
• Tulip Street Basketball Court extension
• Warm Water Pool
• Wangara Road Park masterplan design
• Beaumaris Arts Centre
• Heritage Review

4. Our Promise – promising open and accountable civic leadership

• Deliver the Council Plan and adopt the Annual Budget
• Deliver Annual Action Plan