
Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee members appointed

20 July 2022

At its 19 July 2022 meeting, Council appointed ten community members to the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Unfortunately, not all applicants could be accommodated on the Advisory Committee. Achieving a balance of experience, gender, age, and location has meant many excellent candidates could not be offered a position at this stage.

The list of members appointed for a two-year term is included in the Council minutes.

We would like to stay in touch with everyone who generously offered their time and experience to improve access and inclusion for people with a disability in Bayside in case of any future openings in the committee, as well as directly inform you when we are seeking feedback on new Council projects which may have particular interest for people with a disability and their carers. If you are agreeable to us holding your information, please advise Kylie McLeish on 9599 4797 or via

In addition, we are also seeking community members to join our testing team to help us improve access to our website. We are wanting to make sure all our community’s needs are heard, especially when building our digital services. Express your interest in Ibecoming involved.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Kylie on 9599 4797 or