
Donald MacDonald Reserve pavilion construction

19 March 2021

At the 22 December 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council, the construction contract was awarded for the Donald MacDonald Reserve pavilion upgrade in Beaumaris. Works are scheduled to commence from 13 April 2021 and are likely to be completed within 12 months.

This upgrade is part of Council’s Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan to deliver fit for purpose community infrastructure across the municipality.

To enable works to be carried out safely, temporary fencing will be installed restricting access to the carpark, playground, skate park and BBQ throughout the construction period.

The sportsground will remain open for public use, with pedestrian entry available via Stawell Street.

The existing pavilion is being replaced with an environmentally conscious building that reflects the changing needs of the community sport. The new pavilion will support players of all genders and abilities and provides shelter for spectators.

The pavilion is designed to respond to Bayside’s declaration of a climate emergency and features solar panels, north facing windows to maximise use of natural light for heating during the winter months, electric appliances and water heating systems to reduce reliance on natural gas, sensor lighting and water tanks.

The planning of this pavilion carefully managed the protection of vegetation at the reserve, with only one tree removed which will be replaced during construction to ensure the reserve maintains its natural leafy environment. Additional planting along the Keating Road boundary has also been included as part of the pavilion renewal.

Please refer to the image below for an indication of what the new facilities will look like once complete.

While every precaution will be undertaken to minimise the impact of construction noise on residential amenity, a level of inconvenience may be experienced by residents in proximity of the reserve. Hours of construction will comply with the environmental protection authority (EPA) and will not commence until 7am weekdays.

We apologise for any inconvenience some residents may experience and thank you for your cooperation and understanding while we deliver these important upgrades.

More information
As the planning permit consultation period has now closed, we will be providing up-to-date information via Bayside City Council's website.

Find out more