
Donald MacDonald Reserve Pavilion renewal

3 April 2020

Council is renewing the Donald MacDonald Sports Pavilion, you are invited to view the external design and proposed siting of the proposed sports pavilion and ask questions of staff regarding the renewal.

The project will deliver a fully accessible, two-storey sports pavilion featuring gender neutral changerooms and umpire facilities, first aid room, improved storage, public accessible toilet, kiosk and community space.

We are investing $4m into this project as part of Council’s $52 million plan to upgrade all sports pavilions across Bayside by 2025.

The pavilion has been designed to address the climate emergency and will feature solar panels, north facing windows to maximise use of natural light for heating during the winter months, electric appliances and water heating systems to reduce future reliance on natural gas, sensor lighting and the inclusion of water tanks to utilise storm water for toilets.

Due to site constraints the sports pavilion features a double storey design, with a balcony overlooking the sportsground. This balcony will have restricted access after 7pm and will not be available for use for evening club functions

The planning of the pavilion carefully managed the protection of vegetation at the reserve, nevertheless it will require the removal of two trees.
To ensure the reserve maintains its natural leafy environment, landscaping of the site and additional planting along the Keating Street boundary has been included as part of the pavilion renewal.

You can contact the project team directly for more information or ask your question through the project page on Have Your Say.