
Report to Council: 19 February 2019 Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve community engagement approach

15 February 2019

In preparation for the development of the masterplan for Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve (EPNR), an engagement approach has been drafted and a report is being presented to Council regarding the approach on Tuesday 19 February.

The aim of the EPNP engagement approach is to consult the wider community and collate feedback to inform the project brief for the design competition for the development of the Masterplan.

The report and engagement approach outlines how Council will gather feedback from the community, current and future park users and other stakeholders.

The approach will seek to expand the community reference group to ensure a broader stakeholder group is able to have their interests represented and considered. An expression of interest (EOI) process will be used to promote this expansion.

The EOI process would seek applications that demonstrate alignment to the current membership criteria. They would be reviewed and selections made by a sub-group of the existing Panel as outlined in the current Terms of Reference. All existing members of the Panel will remain in-situ.

The full report, including the engagement approach is available here

If you would like to speak about this report during the meeting, you can register once the report is published, but before 11am of the day of the meeting by clicking here.